
Do you think that the United States of America would be better off with an equal distribution of Democrates,?

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Republicans and Libertarians? It seems that party lines have become obscured and neither the Democrates, nor the Republicans, seem to be doing such a hot job.

Maybe if we threw a couple of Libertarians into the mix, we would have a group that actually wanted to do some good for this country and would embarrass the rest into serving the nations needs.

Dictionary Definition of Libertarian:

1. One who advocates maximizing individual rights and minimizing the role of the state.

2. One who believes in free will.

Just an idea, any thoughts on it?




  1. I think we would be better off if we did away with parties altogether.

    Then have an election fund that people can donate to.

    NO other donations!  

    Then the only ads that can be run are from the money each candidate gets from the fund.  

    No other political ads may be run and the ones run, may only talk about the candidates qualifications or good points or stances on issues.  

    No attack ads on other candidates at all!

    Should make for a more informed voter block and less irritated voters from the Zillion attack ads we are forced to listen, watch, read.

    Thank God for TIVO!

  2. You mean force others to be certain parties?  Or just disallow certain people until they are all equal?

    No, I like a free market approach.  People get to decide.  Sounds libertarian to me.

  3. less dems,better life...

  4. A third or even fourth party would sure stir up the good old boys club.  Sadly with the current system, it take way to much coin to run a campaign, and the 2 parties in power are not going to change the rules and upset the status quo in their favor.

  5. As a former county chair for the LP and currently a member of the Libertarian reform caucus, I don't think that it matters how the Deeeeeemocrats are actually distributed.

    This is because they cheat at the local level in almost all precincts in the major cities. However they are actually distributed, they will send short school buses full of group home clients to polling places where they will be waived through and they will vote for the candidate whose name is written on their hand.

    Remember hanging chads? this is the work of the Deeeeeeeeeeeeeeemocrats. They crave power so badly that they send legions of attorneys from the Trial Lawyers Guild to polling places. They descend like a plague of locusts and threaten to sue anyone who gets in their way.

    They cheat. The GOP might challenge the validity of your petition signatures, but the Deeeeemocrats will just change the voting tallies unless you watch them the entire time.

  6. That is a pipe-dream, but I full-heartedly agree with it. We don't need an equal amount, just the people who are Democrats to be Democrats, the people who are Republicans to be Republicans and the people who are Libertarians to be Libertarians. Too many moderates in the 2 parties are actual Libertarians and they don't get it.

  7. Sadly I say it wouldn't do much good. Both parties are controlled by big money.

    There's only one candidate that has the guts to tell it like it is.

    Close down the Federal Reserve Bank

    Get rid of income Tax

    Get rid of the IRS

    People say Who will pay the taxes.

    The F.R.B. a private institution prints up the money that doesn't belong to them, loans it to the government and gets paid back with interest at the tax payers expense.

    For every dollar deposited in the bank it can loan out 10.

    It has robbed all the peoples savings.

    You say it's not true that you still have your 10 grand in the bank. I say see what it buys you.

    As long as there are Central Banks this planet is in trouble.

    The candidate I speak of has been called Captain America and he's Ron Paul. Visit my politics page for his video links.

    See the one where he sat down with Google Executive Elliot Schrage

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