
Do you think that the United States should invest in one/several renewable, alternative energy sources?

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  1. This is where the disappointment dwells you know America should lead and be an example.

  2. I think we should invest in many types of renewable systems now. Renewable systems is a small but growing area, and it will take a little time to really explore them. Who knows which is the better way today, but the more types we try the more likely we are to figure out which are the best. Also, one could make the argument that we should not only in vest in one or limited renewable sources, because that is really what we done in the past. We only invested in fossil fuel transportation, and look where that has gotten us!

  3. The Republican controlled Congress just shot down a bill that would have given more money to invest in alternative fuels and energy sources. So, yes, they should, we cannot continue to destroy the planet and live for the moment. Gas and it's by products (plastics) are killing the planet and we are helping at an alarming rate. Boycott gas as much as you can, cut out unnecessary trips, combine trips, and carpool or use public transportation, walk or bike or use a scooter.

    Recycle all plastics, glass, and paper products. It isn't hard, we have all just been lazy and now we are paying for it, while CEO's of Big Oil in the US and around the globe laughs at us.

    It's time to get even and frankly people, we could all use the exercise.

  4. Without a doubt!  Pull the troops out of the Middle East and we will have plenty of money to invest.

    They need to give businesses and home owners more reason to invest in the alternative sources.  If every business in say Phoenix, AZ had solar panels on them, much less electicity would be spent.  The same for homes.  Some people actually create more energy than they use and then can sell that back to the electric companies.

    Every cow pasture should have windmills as well.  I have seen a number of them up in Wisconsin where I am from.  It is a great idea and it is a win-win situation for everyone usually.

  5. Yes, I believe that we (America) should begin to invest in a cleaner fuel. If we don't the weather will continue to get worse causing many humans to suffer from either the cold or the heat and not just will it effect us it will effect animal and plant life on a greater level then us humans.

  6. Yes, we need to invest in different alternative energy sources.  Why give our money away to other countries when we can produce our own energy here at home?  Each region of the country has ways of producing energy that makes sense in that region and can benefit the country as a whole.  Solar in areas with lots of sunshine, geothermal in areas of the country where it is easy to get to, wind turbines in areas where there is steady wind, clean burning coal in some areas.  Relying one one energy source (gasoline) is what got us in this mess in the first place.

  7. Yes, I do. We America and China are the main causes of climate change. Also what does our government expect to do once the world's oil supply runs out? I for one don't wan to be living at that time. It is ridiculous that we refuse to get off of oil. We are now starting to see the effects. In short, we have to stop climate change.

  8. Absolutely yes. Why ? National Security, Environmental and economic reasons all apply.

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