
Do you think that the World is going to end anytime soon?

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i know this is a very controversial question, but do you think the world will end anytime soon or if it will end in a million years from now? & what is your theory on how it will end?

i've heard that just because the Mayan calendar ends in 2012 then the world will end in that year too by an asteroid or something hitting the earth & blowing it up

& ive heard that the world will just blow up on its own because of how we're treating it

& ive heard many ways on how it could end like an apocalipse where everyone breaks out in war before it ends

Then the God theory steps in where he might cast fire or a big storm to wipe out the earth EVEN though he said he would never cast another flood, but then again it depends on what you believe

or is it all myth & it will take a LONG time for the earth to end?

So what do you think on this subject, id like to hear all opinions.




  1. got a whole page on that question,this is a part of it


      Today.all over the world ,in the dawn of Aquarius,

    we are bombarded with forecasts of doom and reports of disasters.

    In the past from Nostradamus , the Aztecs, Incas, Toltecs,Mayas,and the Egyptians allegedly even Jesus with prophesies

    all pointing at this point in time as being the End of the show.

    More recently from every scientific body on the planet .In the News papers,Television and all the disaster movies .

    No doubt to prepare us for the inevitable ,  or is it a ruse so that we will pay more taxes.?

    They say GLOBAL WARMING is happening and that it is gathering momentum.

    We are melting at both ends of the world

    There are forecasts that the seas are going to rise ,and reports that its rising already .

    A lot of  major cities will be flooded .

    If Nibiru  decides to show up on schedule,The effects of its close pass to earth is expected to give us  tidal waves, earth quakes and probably exploding volcanoes. And that is supposed to happen in 2012,

    As if that is not enough

    There is  Mayan and I Ching prediction for a 2012 Pole Shift

    An Amazing! Crop Circle Reveals A 2012 Prophesy

    Terence Mckenna: 2012 Timewave zero ,based on the  earth`s diminishing magnetic output ,predicts time will stop or the World will stop turning  ,turning the planet into a giant washing machine ,sloshing the oceans from coasts to coasts.Cleaning the whole show in one go.

    The Hopi say this has happened before, and that the sun came back 3 days later from the same place it went down.They are expecting a more drastic repeat according to their prophecy rock. Now calling 2012 the End of Times,

    The Kogi in Colombia  came out of hiding to warn the Government, about impending environmental disasters,

    There is no end for predictions of doom that are for 2012 or there abouts.

    Jehovah  will have to stand in line with his meteor showers and the Apocalypse .


    Yet there is talk of a possible global nuclear war ,

    We have always had predictions for the end of the world .

    So far it has never  happened. The world will always be there.                                                  


    What happens to the life on the planet remains to be seen.

    Although every other species, apart from things like cockroaches ,has gone extinct sooner or later.We should aim for later if possible.


    much more here continued


  2. The earth will end for you the moment you die Same with me but not likely the same time. While I have been typing this, the world has ended for hundreds of people.

    You go about you life daily and be thankful for what good time you have and the gifts of the world. If you think on the end of the world too long, you will go batty. Same with thinking about your imminent death.All humans will face the end of the earth at some point but I am certain the earth will exist for a time after the last man or woman is gone. Then God will destroy it if he chooses to. We may destroy ourselves, but we wont be able to destroy God's creation.

  3. My personal opinion is that the world will not end. I got caught up in all the doomsday predictions. One even said the world would end in the year 2008, and when that never came to pass, I started to disregard the apocalypse theories more and more. The only one that actually has me concerned is the one about 2012, mainly because I have seen some news reports of an actual meteor that is positioned to come really close to the earth that year. As far as the Biblical doomsday warnings, I don't take them that seriously because there have been predictions of the end of the world since the beginning of time. My personal belief is that Armageddon will bring about the end of the world "as we know it" not necessarily the literal end of the world.

  4. People have been asking that question since the beginning of time.

    No one knows really, it could end in a day or an eon. The important things is how you live your life now , it doesn't matter if the world ends to marrow what matters is how you live your life today to make the world a better place.

  5. The world as we know it could end in a nuclear holocaust, because of all the crazy terrorist groups out there.  On the other hand, global warming could make life impossible within the next 50 years.  Or a meteorite could impact, causing dust storms over the earth, blocking out the sun and killing all life.

    I think the sooner we find another planet we can move to, the better!

    Anyway, I hope it doesn't  happen in my lifetime..

  6. well i like the way you think.but theres been a lot of theories on the end of the earth..theres the one with the 666.theres been the one with thanksgiving.well to say theres been many.but yeah i've read about the mayan one and that one creeps me out can they had predict about the world ending in 2012.know that one we have to put more though on because they predicted on a year that had not maybe come it was by fay from their era. But yeah no one exactly knows when the world would just will wen the time is up.we could keep guessing but we wouldnt exactly could happen anytime

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