
Do you think that the candidates reaction to Hurricane Gustav will influence the election?

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I mean, reaction as in how they plan to help.

How do you think they'll react?





  1. Something the Lord has made

    OBAMA 08

  2. Not unless they really s***w up big time.  McCain should win easily.

  3. I think their criticism of Bush might.

  4. McCain is going to try to go for the "Super-Hero" vote.  let's hope people don't fall for that.  I hear that President Bush might actually say something today about Gustav.  He must have just found out about it.

    "Republican officials say their radically curtailed convention offers a big political opportunity for the party to redeem itself on the competence issue — and for John McCain to step out of President Bush’s shadow once and for all. "

  5. Absolutely.  

    I hope the RNC has a service oriented convention, blood donations, donations to the Red Cross etc. They have to have the vote, the legally have to get their nominee official.

    To 'call it off' would hurt the economy of Minneapolis/St Paul who has put a lot of money forth already.

  6. WHOA!!  Republicans are actually taking a natural disaster seriously??  Oh wait, this one actually directly hurts them!!  

  7. No Bush is the one who is still president

  8. ya the wigger only tells the people what they want to hear wait and see how stupid american are buy voting for obama this country is more messed up  obama will only get elected if he tells everybody what they want to hear not the truth about how it really is the only good this about him is that hes half white

  9. this time since there is a chance for political influence bush is on the ball, not because he suddenly cares about people

  10. I think we will be reminded how the republicans didn't ever care about poor people unless it meant winning the elections

  11. no

  12. I think both parties & the gov't in general will try hard to do their best, so as not to be shown as the incompetents they were during Katrina. Unless one or the other make a big gaffe, I think it wont be a factor.

  13. McCain/Palin will react in helping out.

    Obama/Biden will use it for their campaign unless they are told no cameras like in Germany.  Obama will avoid the region all together.

  14. Bush completely ignored Katrina.  He is now pretending to care about Gustav.

  15. i think the Republicans are going to really have to play their cards right with it considering Bush just had to cancel his appearance on the RNC.

    They should be able to use this for their advantage.

    As for the Dems. They will get their hands dirty and go to affected areas personally helping.. (working).

  16. Not any more than an F5 tornado demoloshing an area in the Midwest.  Weather is weather. As far as FEMA, just watch this time. It learnd some painful mistakes from Katerina and I don't believe it will happen twice.

  17. I'm not a bush supporter, but at least he has learned. Now he has the experience to handle a hurricane disaster.

  18. Barack McCain & John Obomba will both do the same, throw more of our tax dollars into the fray.  That whole hurricane region has become nothing more than a political agenda for the politicians(magicians!)

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