
Do you think that the censoring of the health effects of AGW,by Cheney, encouraged the 'deniers' of AGW?

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I have said for years that the weather is the most censored reporting in the media! There is seldom a detailed explanation of the climate, and the way that it affects day to day weather. All we get is the 'forecast' for a tiny area of the planet. We never really get the whole 'picture' of how ALL weather is connected!

I think that part of the reason that the govt. has censored the science of AGW' ,is to prevent a wave of PANIC!




  1. " There is seldom a detailed explanation of the climate, and the way that it affects day to day weather. All we get is the 'forecast' for a tiny area of the planet. We never really get the whole 'picture' of how ALL weather is connected! "

    That is because no one can give you a real answer to these questions--no one really knows. We do not know how climate will effect day to day weather with any detail, we do not know how ALL weather is connected. These are questions are far too complicated with our current understanding.

  2. d**n.  You stumbled onto our worldwide conspiracy.

    Good job, chap.

  3. No

  4. Have you noticed that clear nights cool off rapidly? But cloudy or humid nights  don't? This is because water vapor is 95% of the greenhouse effect. CO2 contributes 4%, mans contribution is 1/4 of that

        fear of global warming is likely to destroy our economy. it is wrong for anyone to add to the hype. hooray for Cheney, if he resisted adding fuel to an idiotic farce

  5. gee, i can't wait.

    "it's global cooling, what don't you understand."

    (worked - i'd think.  i mean, how d.... can they be?)

  6. No, I don’t think that this encourages the deniers. I’d bet that most of them won’t even to bother with figuring out what exactly was censored and the evidence behind the testimony. That’s why these guys are “deniers” and not “skeptics.”

    FYI, here is a full version of the CDC testimony, with the edited parts in red for those who are interested. Perhaps we should send a copy to our Senators because they heard the edited version:

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