
Do you think that the current generation really don't believe:(THEY IMPACT THE GOVERMENT)!!?

by Guest45283  |  earlier

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40 years later, It's amazing the number of people in this current society that don't believe they have a say so over the activites of our goverment.

Yes! we put them in office to run the affairs of this country,but it does not end with vote.

I guess it's enough "video game playing" and other "distractions" to keep them occupied-so they notice or be concerns about what is happening in this country




  1. Absolutely...thanks to the public school system.  It started after the 70's when Americans decided for themselves what was right and wrong, and demanded their government work for them beginning with my generation in the early 80's, we are consistently being told that the only way to impact government is to vote...and the government will do what is right...and the fail to mention that the most important civil rights movements did not come from a decision made by the government, but as action against the government...we had to fight to end slavery, segregation, women's right to vote...our government did not want these changes.  But now, everyone chooses a candidate and assumes that they will make the right decisions...and they don't even feel as though they have a right to know what is really going on.

  2. I guess only 60 percent of American voters vote. SO, MY VOTES COUNT.

  3. Unfortunately, they have become docile.  They don't even know what government is, other than, which politician is most popular on TV.

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