
Do you think that the existence of charity is a sign of a failed society ?

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  1. From an individual perspective, there are few actions more noble than helping another in need. That is brotherly love. Without this giving nature of the human heart, society would be nothing more than a machine of greed.

    However, there is a point, or perhaps a degree, in which excessive altruistic behavior becomes nothing more than a self-serving form of greed, but only when this is carried out as a kind of self-indulgence rather than goodwill. The distinction between the two should only be judged within the individual who chooses to take these actions. Their motives are their own. The act of giving is a form of goodness. Whether it is of the selfish or the selfless sort, it remains good on the societal level.

  2. No, society does not mean Utopia. there will always be poverty in order for society to progress. But poverty shouldn't mean that every offspring born poor must be affected. In order for society to succeed there needs to be upward mobility.  Although i have heard that charities  (that do not teach trades) do not help save people from poverty, I think better establishments such as free schools and free libraries and  free hospitals help the poor progress.

  3. If you mean that because charity is needed we've failed as a society,umm maybe failed is too strong a word. Is society at fault for all that gives reason for charity?  Can one be charitable in ways other than material or monetary? Is it charitable to forgive?

  4. Charity has been mandated for thousands of years. Crops weren't to be fully harvested so that the poor could scavenge food. I think charity is an integral part of most ancient cultures. Your neighbor has a bad hunt and you share yours with them so they survive.

    The lack of charity seems to me to be a sign of a failed society. America seems to flirt close to this with its hatred of welfare, except for big oil and corporations.

  5. The Nietzschean in me wants to say that yes, charity is an act that presumes an absurdly misguided morality. At the same time, I feel myself guided by that absurd morality, so I don't know what to think. You should definitely read "Major Barbara," by George Bernard Shaw--it excellently examines this question. Another one that considers flawed charitable moralities is "Spring Awakening," by Frank Wedekind.

  6. Hmmmm, it depends on the view point.

    If you look at it objectivly then yes, the charity would show how society had failed.

    If you look at it subjectiivly then no, charity shows that that there are generous people out there

  7. That is an interesting question. As an anti-utopian, I suspect the society that doesn't need charity is a myth, so I would say no charity is a sign of a functional society.

  8. No.

    In my opinion, what would the poor people, young and old do without our help, when and where it is needed.

    "He who has two coats, let him give one away to he that has none".

    Just ask yourself this question:

    If your were the person without the coat what would be your reply?

    On the contrary, without the existence of charity, reflects our lack of compassion for the needy, sick, helpless, hungry, homeless etc. and indicates how far our evolution has still to go.

    Since the beginning of time, how many messengers, and enlightened beings has God sent to show us The Way/Path?  Also, The Bible, Torah, Koran etc. are both lessons and examples to show us how to live and love one another, as brothers and sisters.

    Thank you for asking this question, for the poor and the needy are always with us.

  9. no, the charity existence within a society is not a sign of that society's failure to reveal its perfectnesses among its member.

    but nobody is perfect.

    and anyone's imperfectness was/were sealed by the charity of another one.

  10. On the contrary. The fact that people can give voluntarily to those in need shows a society that cares deeply about their fellow man.

  11. on the contrary.

    it is a sign of healthy society.

  12. yes, it signifies the gap between the rich and the poor

  13. If $1 a day is all they need to be happy, then they are a superior soceity to ours.

  14. Its an exacerbated attempt to mimic humanity and consideration for ones fellow man. It is also symptomatic of a mismanaged nation, wherein the distribution of wealth is so unequal the wealthy have in extreme abundance, whilst the poor struggle to pay for food and housing.

    This type of ill governed society will fall to ruin ultimately, whereby fat assed nouveau rich parasites cite ‘persecution for being wealthy’. I descend from a race that adjudges itself by how well its service class and elders are cared for. A lack of sensitivity towards the suffering of the misfortunate is the first sign of a people lacking in basic human virtues and values. If this is evident in the ruling class what hope is there for the lower strata. God Bless You JL.

  15. We are not separate beings. It takes all to make love happen.

  16. no, I think a sense of community is what society needs, and there will always be a gap between the haves and have nots. what would be a sign of a failed society is if no one were willing to help others less fortunate than themselves

  17. Only the absence of charity would indicate a failed society (= inhumanity).

  18. That is just another way of looking at things...a cynical way!  Aimed at making those 'well-off'  feel ashamed of their wealth;  and then accusing them of pitying,  handing-down crumbs to the poor if they try to help them...

    No Social System,  how ever sympathetic,  can remove the disparity between the 'haves' and 'have-nots'...because 'equality' is not a reality...whatever one may ideally like to believe.  

    Charity is just one of the avenues open to alleviate the suffering till better options can be sought out...

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