
Do you think that the facts that they give in "Aftermath, Population Zero" to be accurate?

by Guest55597  |  earlier

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It said somewhere, for instance that aircraft would continue flying for several hours after humans had disappeared.

And then it said that small "toy dogs" would be wiped out within a week.

I find that particular fact hard to believe; with all of the buildings that humanity created, they make for plenty of hiding places.

An amazing program to watch, nevertheless, if you haven't already seen it, but does anyone think that the facts are mostly accurate?




  1. i havent seen the movie-- but i'd imagine the problem is not the lack of space. its the question whether millions of people (now in suburbs or big cities) can find enough water and food to support themselves without a supermarket or a tap.

    Also, there will be competition among other people and animals for these resources.

  2. yes of course

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