
Do you think that the feelings of fear and anger can only be healed by?

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an understanding of your creative soul???




  1. No.

  2. Yes, I definitly think so.


  3. If you mean by us understanding ourselves why we feel the way we do then I can agree with that.  And yes one could be healed by the experiences learned from ones creative soul.  If however one is inexperienced in a matter when dealing with fear and anger in that situation then one needs advice from any source who has come through that experience to enlighten ones understanding of those problems.

    That is why spiritual and religious disciplines deal with those kinds of issues better because of the experiences and studies put into research of man when dealing with fear and anger.

    Take care.

  4. Fear and anger are "negative".  The only way to overcome these is by faith.  God is the Creator.  He is also the Keeper of my 'soul'.

    It is through Him that I learn understanding.

  5. Understanding the source of these feelings and controlling them .

  6. There is no,``only``, we are too complicted for one simplistic answer.

  7. Life is so simple, but us humans are what makes it difficult.  I think the feelings of fear and anger are different for everyone.  They can deal with them differently then some, but they can never really be healed.  We have those feelings because that is how we are and how we deal with situations.  We can have a better understanding of why we fear certain things and why we get angry if we had a better relationship with ourselves.  So in a way yes, if we had a better understanding of our souls then we would be able to control them better.

  8.    Fear and anger are just parts of your human emotions, not a disease that needs to be cured. Your anger is an emotional response that creates adrenaline to provide strength and immediate response to difficult situations. Fear is much the same emotion with much of the same results. Without these we would all be sitting ducks in this world of woe.

  9. The word defilement is a common translation of the Pali word kilesa, which more literally translated means “torment of the mind.” We know directly from our own experience that when certain states arise strongly within us, they have a tormenting quality—states like anger, fear, guilt, and greed. When they knock at the door and we invite them in, we lose touch with the fundamentally pure nature of our mind, and then we suffer.

    By not identifying with these forces, we learn that these defilements or torments are only visitors. These forces are adventitious, not inherent. They do not reflect who we really are. The defilements  inevitably arise because of how we have been conditioned. But this is no reason to judge ourselves harshly. Our challenge is to see them for what they are and to remember our true nature.

    Anger generated within our­selves or within others can be met with love; the love is not ruined by the anger. The loving mind can observe joy and peace in one moment, and then grief in the next moment, and it will not be shattered by the change. A mind filled with love can be likened to the sky with a variety of clouds moving through it—some light and fluffy, others ominous and threatening. No matter what the situation, the sky is not affected by the clouds. It is free.

    The Buddha taught that the forces in the mind that bring suffering are able to temporarily hold down the positive forces such as love or wisdom, but they can never destroy them. The negative forces can never uproot the positive, whereas the positive forces can actually uproot the negative forces. Love can uproot fear or anger or guilt, because it is a greater power.

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