
Do you think that the government should require that everyone volunteer?

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When you think of everything that needs to be done or could be done to make this a better place to live and all the benefits that come along with volunteering, don't you think the government should require all of its citizens to volunteer? I spent less than a half hour a week volunteering and the benefits are tremendous. It's not like it would necessarily be time consuming or costly.




  1. Absolutely not. Anytime the government mandates, you have serious problems.  I know what you mean; there are so many things that could be helped if only people cared enough to help.

    I think something along those lines would be to offer tax exemptions to those who volunteer.  All the person would have to do is to provide proof of hours they volunteered and get a big tax break from Uncle Sam.  I do think, however, that every child should be made to volunteer in some kind of community service before being eligible to graduate for high school gaining credits for college, or be issued a driver's license.  This way, people can volunteer to help toward their education and being responsible citizens.

  2. You can't be required to volunteer.

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