
Do you think that the hijacking of flight 93 in the other hijackings of 9/11 2001 terrorism or not?

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Do you think that the hijacking of flight 93 in the other hijackings of 9/11 2001 terrorism or not?




  1. Flight 93 was SHOT down.

    Check out this website:

    Ask yourself this question: why was one of the engines located several miles away from the actual crash scene?  And why was a small, white, unmarked plane seen hovering above the crash site right after the plane crashed?

    An F16 fighter plane was heard chasing the plane.

    Don't let the mainstream media fool you with their "Let's Roll" rhetoric.  How can a bunch of angry passengers with a flight attendant's trolley bring down a plane?

    There were many witnesses on the ground who saw the plane's demise but were never interviewed, they were actually hassled by the FBI.

  2. Duh

  3. You have been reading to many fiction murder stories. We all know it was not a terrorist. The butler did it.

  4. Yes, terrorism.

    The question is:

    was it plotted by Arabs in Afghanstan, or by suits in Washington.

  5. Terrorism: (noun) The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence against people or property to coerce or intimidate governments or societies, often to bring about political change.

    Yes, 9/11 would qualify as terrorism!

  6. Allah (SWT) says: If any one slew a person - unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land - it would be as if he slew the whole people: and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people.” - The Quran, Surah Al Ma’idah Ch. 5 V. 32

    If you see the proof, on the site of US Dept. of Justice there are 43 terrorist orginazation 60% muslims, according to US dept only 28 attacked, & Alqaida 28, out of that 26 alleged, 2 alqaida claimed not a single attack of Alqaida is proved. only prime suspect till today.

    Regarding 9/11 when afganistan was asking for proof to US , give us proof will handover culprit, but they are giving proof to Tony blair, Musharraf. Why?

    International media is repeatedly publishing, “All Muslims are not terrorist but all terrorists are Muslims”

    ULFA in 16 years 1990 – 2006 conducted successfully 749 terrorist attacks (all proved). it will put kashmiri terrorist to shame.but when we read in news paper we only know abt. the kashmiri many time media, papers report about ULFA, these reports come in news brief how many people noted, never in the Headlines, Maoists in Nepal in 7 years conducted 99 terrorist attacks. Acc. to Govt. of India, Out of 600 districts in India, they are present in 150 districts. No.1 Terrorist Attack are done in India, Max, are the moaist. Maoists terrorist attacks in 1/3rd part of India! No.1 , If you compare the ppl they are killed, the attack they have done, compare to kashmiri miltants, its nowhere comparable. The maoists are the bigger danger for India but yet we find the Govt. is more afraid of Muslim Terrorist. Why, the reason is Gerog Bush. On the 9th of Sept.2006 Article came in times of india that 875 Rockets, 30 Rocket launcher, a hall of ammunition which was supposed to be supplied to maosits they were intercepted, imagine this is the biggest hall, in history of india that any terrorists organization the govt. has caught. 875 Rockets they can wage a war against indian army. & DGP of AP he was shocked,he said that with these Rocket lancher they can attack any police station any tanks of the indian govt. from the distance of 600 metes.

    Yet we feel afraid of muslims. Why r they targetting only muslims.

    It is the ploy of the Western media which is controlled by politicians.

    Let us analyze some historical records and the data on terrorist attack in world history

    In the 19th Century we can hardly find any terrorist attack done by Muslims

    In 1882, Tsar other innocent humanAlexander II was assassinated. He was not killed by a beings killed in a bomb blast. Muslim. He was killed by a Non Muslim named Gnacy Hryniewhcki

    In 1886, a bomb blast took place in Haymarket Square, Chicago during a labor 12 innocent human being and 1 police man died and later 7 more rally. men died at hospital Responsible? 8 anarchist, all of them werepolice Non Muslims.

    6th September 1902, the US President William Mc Kinley was assassinated By an anarchist named Leon Czolgosz. He was a Non Muslim.

    1st October 1920, bomb blast in Los Angeles Times Newspaper building. 21 innocent people were killed. Bomb blast done by 2 Christians, James & Joseph (they were the Union leaders).

    28th June 1914, Archduke of Austria and his wife were assassinated.Which precipitated the World War I. Assassination was done by members of young Bosnia, most of them were Serbs. They were Non Muslims.

    16th April 1925, bomb blast in St. Nedelya Church in Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria.150+ killed, 500+ injured.Biggest terrorist attack in Bulgaria. It was done by Bulgarian Communist Party. They were Non Muslims.

    9th October 1934, King Alexander I of Yugoslavia was assasinated. By a gunman Vlada Georgieff, who was a Non Muslim.

    1st May 1961, the first US aircraft was hijacked by Ramerez Ortiz who was a Non Muslim. 28th August 1968, the US ambassador to Guatemala was assassinated by a Non Muslim.

    3rd September 1969, the US ambassador to Brazil was kidnapped by a Non Muslim. 30th July 1969, the US ambassador to Japan was knifed by a Japanese, a Non Muslim.

    19th April 1995, Federal building bombing, Oklahoma City (Oklahoma bombing). 166 innocent people died and 100+ injured. Done by 2 Christians, Timothy & Terry.

    From 1941 to 1948 after World War II 259 terrorist attacks conducted by Jewish terrorists by Irgun, Haganah and others.

    22nd July 1946, bombing of King David Hotel by Menachem Begin. It was the biggest terrorist attack against the history British mandate. At that time Menachem Begin was called terrorist no. 1 by British Government. Later on after a few years he becomes the Prime Minister of Israel and after few years gets the Nobel Prize of Peace.

    1968 – 1992, in Germany, Baader Meinhof Gang killed several innocent human beings. In Italy Red Brigades kidnapped & killed Aldo Moro former Prime Minister of Italy.

    20th March 1995, Aum Shinrikyo, a Buddhist cult used Nerve Gas in the Tokyo subway. Killed 12 people. 5000+ injured and wounded.

    In UK, since hundreds years IRA – The Irish Republican Army is conducting terrorist attacks. They are Catholics, but they are not called as Catholic Terrorists, but as IRA.

    1972, IRA conducted three bomb blasts. 20+ people were killed. 1974, two bomb blasts. 25+ killed and 200+ injured.

    1996 IRA bomb blast in London. Killed 2 persons and 100+ injured. 1996, IRA bomb blast in Manchester shopping center. 200+ injured.

    August 1998, Banbridge bomb blast.35 people were injured.August 1998, Omagh bomb blast. 29 innocent people were killed and 330 injured.

    In Spain and France, ETA conducted 36 terrorist attacks. Lord’s Salvation Army, Christian Terrorist organization in Uganda.

    Sri Lanka, LTTE, Tamil Tigers is the most notorious organization. Experts in suicide bombing. Who are they? They are Hindus. But they are not called as Hindu Terrorists, they say LTTE.

    Sikh terrorist organization, Bhindranwale group in Punjab. 5th June 1984, Indian security forces took over Golden Temple in which 100 human beings were killed.

    31st October 1984, Primer Minister Indira was assassinated by her Sikh security guard.

    North East of India, Christian terrorist’s organization, ATTF, All Tripura Tigers Force. NLFT, National Liberation Front of Tripura. 2nd October 2004, 44 Hindus were killed by Christian terrorists.


    Why Are So Many People Entering Islam-Even After Sept.11?"..

    Why Are So Many Priests & Preachers Entering ISLAM?

  7. 911 was an inside job. Our own government planned and executed this attack. People need to wake up and see what's going on in America.

  8. If not , then what the h*** else was it ,, DUH

  9. no it was not a terorist attack and i wish everyone els could see this, like someone els said it was an inside job, it was planned by the u.s govenment, the twin towers went down because of a controlled demolition

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