
Do you think that the humanity is overrated?

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Do you think that the humanity is overrated?




  1. Humanity, no ... Mankind, yes.

  2. Not at all, but Politics, definitely !!!

  3. Some aspects of humanity are definately overrated.  Though not the basic aspect of humanity.

    Some things that society stresses is overrated, they seem to stress alll the wrong things (despite things likegetting an education, not doing drugs, etc.)

  4. Do you mean the humanities as a field or 'humanity' as a species?

    If it's the first then yes.  The humanities have produces an overabundance of theory and a deficit of data.  They have generated an endless supply of hypotheses that will never be tested because the other sciences simply can't keep up.

    If you mean the species then the short answer would be 'yes', but the long answer would be "what else do we have?  The second most intelligent creature is the chimpanzee with a brain 1/4th as complex (in terms of neurons/cubic inch) as humans."  There is no other animal with such an extensive capacity to hate it self, and there is no other animal with the capability to defy the laws of natural selection and save species who would otherwise be naturally selected off the face of the earth.  We love to vilify ourselves, but what we do as individuals and as a species is our own choice.  Movies from "Ice Age" to "Pocahontis" teach our children to hate themselves from a very young age for things that humans did a very long time ago.  They set the bar so low that our children feel like heros for recycling a soda can.

    Anyway, like I was saying before, the short answer is 'yes' but the long answer is "it's our choice".

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