
Do you think that the legality of abortion should ultimately be decided by women?

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For example, in the USA, most decisions that establish laws and legal precedents are ultimately decided by the Senate or the Supreme Court, both of which are predominantly male. For quite a while now, I have kind of felt that as a male I'm not really qualified to judge whether abortion is acceptable (except in cases of rape or when the mother's health would be threatened) because I won't have to go through the ordeal of pregnancy and childbirth.

Am I crazy? What do you think? Please specify your s*x in your answer.




  1. No. Two people are always involved in making babies.

  2. Yes.


    Good idea.


  3. No, the question of life should be decided by everyone. I don't see how 'no uterus, no opinion' idea adds anything positive to the debate. It sounds kind of childish to me. Btw, I'm a female and a feminist.

  4. Pro Choice all the way, and if men want to have an opinion  this matter, they need to get pregnant and go through childbirth first.

  5. youre right, you have no right to tell a women anything when it comes to a subject as this one. you will never in your lifetime understand what it is to be a women, and this situation would never happen to you or any other man, so, no, men do not have a right to choose what is best for a woman

  6. fat old white men should decide

  7. Yes, no one has a right to make decisions about my body except me.

  8. Apparently not! Women cannot be trusted if they will kill there own baby.

  9. No, because without a man a woman wouldn't have become pregnant in the first place. Both of them are responsible for the life, so neither one should have more say than the other.

    A woman's body is her own, but that life forming within her has it's own DNA. It is a seperate human being. It is not a part of her body. It is inside of her, but it isn't a part of her like a kidney that she can just throw out.

    The majority of abortions are not due to health concerns or rape, it's because the baby is unwanted for whatever reason.

    If people don't want children, they shouldn't be having s*x in the first place. Either that or go get snipped or your tubes tied. We can't euthenize the elderly because we can't be bothered to take care of them, so we shouldn't be killing babies that way either.

    There are people waiting years on waiting lists to adopt a child. Just because the birth parents don't want it doesn't mean nobody would.

    Ask yourself this. You're married. Your wife becomes pregnant. Unsure of what to do, you both wait a while. It's week 20. You can feel the baby kicking, and you can see it yawn, reach, spin around etc on an ultrasound. The doctors can tell it is a boy. You decide you want to keep the child. Your wife does not. She aborts your son.

    Would you shrug that off and still think it should only be a woman's choice?

  10. Yes

  11. No. If it was the woman's body that was being aborted, then she should have the final say. But it isn't. She is aborting someone else's body, ending someone else's life, utterly taking away every single right from another individual. We should not be allowed to do that, not unless our very life is in danger from the pregnancy.

    Pregnancy can be very hard. I've had 2 so far. Delivery can be a nightmare, especially in the U.S. where they force interventions on women that they don't really need. Does that justify taking someone's life though? I think not.

    I'm a woman, in case my avatar isn't enough of a giveaway.  : )

  12. I am a woman, and I am pro-choice.  But I accept that the laws of the land need to be decided by one unit...not different groups for different laws.  Certainly, women are more immediately affected by pregnancy and abortion, but it is a human issue...and the law must be decided by humans.  Period...

  13. I am a female, and I believe that anything involving lady parts should be ultimately decided by women. Same with men, I don't think women should mess with their parts since we don't have them.

  14. its the dumbest argument in the world to say that a man can't make decision on abortion.  People who have never been in the military make dicision about war. (for or against)

    Woman have for years protested for or against war even when they didn't have to go.

    Most people who make dicisions to send someone to jail have never steped foot in a prison.  

      Most members of congress have never worked a real job but they get to make decisions on minimum wage, taxes ect.

       Why do you think that you are only qualified to judge abortion when it comes to rape or when a womans health is threatened? You didn't explain that contradiction

  15. Yes, because it's is the female's body in question. I am female.

  16. Exactly.  Men and their bodies don't go through the ordeal of child bearing and in many cases rearing.  

    My uterus is mine. Only I should get to decided what it does and doesnt have to/in it.  

    History and women's studies outlines a time when women were pregnant every 10 months....they were NOT (in some places by law) allowed to deny their husband's s*x, birth control technicals (not necessarily the pill but others) had been developed and weren't allowed to be distributed...and women died. died from the stress that pregnancy and childbirth places on the body...while men in the government sat around and did nothing.  

    whether I want to have kids is my right. my decision. the consequences either way are mine and mind alone. the gov shouldn't be able to outline what I can do with my uterus.  

    It is also assumed that women go into something like that ligthly...without a it isnt emotionally and mentally hard in anyway. trust that women do make the best choice for them....and don't assume i need my government to make it for me.

    one last note....this is the country where many insurance companies cover the cost (or more of the cost) of viagra than not birth control...

  17. It has been decided.   We want abortion to be safe, legal, and rare.  We've got the safe and legal, but we have to get the rare down.  One word that would help contraception.   A massive educational campaign to remind people to use them- say at 6PM (during happy hour?) we have a "take the pill" time.  Women remind other women,  set their cell phone alarms, etc.  

    We have got to change the idea of having s*x thats its NORMAL.    Some people still believe having s*x is somehow naughty and if you use contraception or have it available then you are a bad person.   The bad to me is having s*x without contraceptives.  

    I personally have not had s*x outside of a relationship but I'm not everyone.

  18. what ordeal are you talking about?  Pregnancy and child birth are not "artificially created" or "man made" phenomenon.  Its not much of an ordeal.  its hyped in movies and by many attention seeking women; thats all.  

    A woman can never know what goes in a sexually aroused man's mind, or what ordeal his erected p***s inside tight briefs go through.  So shall we abolish all women judges from deciding up on sexual abuse and things?

  19. Not crazy, but I don't know how practicable it would be. I agree with Eleanor B in that medical professionals are the experts, as well as developmental biologists. Women's groups should certainly have input too. But ultimately I guess it's up to government to pass the laws. I think we have reasonable abortion laws in this country (UK). I'm female.

  20. Well firstly I think we need to chop off(youknowwhat) off these s*x offenders and if they still some how have the strength to continue throw them in some sort of lock up until they rot.

    As for abortion I am a lady but I think men still have a say on this. I think both parties should act responsible as possible and not allow things like this to occur so that some one is forced with such a horrible decision.

  21. Well said!  Being a man this is a very difficult subject for me.  I personally believe that the only input men should have is if the child in question is of their seed and then it is a matter of custody and should not be swayed by public opinion.  I know and appreciate that we are free to express ourselves but I can't help but feeling "what gives you the right" whenever I see some man on t.v. professing that women should not have the right to make their own choices.

  22. Is it even possible to make illegal an act that people perform on their own bodies, whether legal or otherwise?  I believe the recommendations of doctors who have to deal with the consequences of self-induced abortions are the safest and most practical considerations :-)

  23. The legality of abortion should be determined by people who are educated in science, ethics and law.  Other considerations in the decision are protection of autonomy and respect for different belief systems.    If the decision makers look at the issue from all sides, it won't matter whether they are male or female -  the decision ought to  be made based on a collection of data - personal agendas  should have no part in the decision.

    But since you asked, no, you are not crazy.

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