
Do you think that the majority of sexist and homophobic people are religious militants?

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Do you think that the majority of sexist and homophobic people are religious militants?




  1. LMAO!!!

    sorry I just liked the way u worded ur question..but I feel that it's true because if u look at the majority of the ppl who bash on us g*y, L*****n. bi., trans with thier dumb questions and ansers are those types of ppl.  

  2. i agree with the 1st answer

  3. no i think their a melting pot of : a******s ignorants and may be religious

  4. homophonic people have something to hide.

    Why would anyone be concerned for another person habits in bed if they have no interest in his bed.

    Do you know of any g*y guys who get distressed because a work mate is taking a girl home tonight.  He does not get distressed because he has no interest in what his work mate does in bed.

    I once knew a women who was homophonic beyond belief about me.

    It was not until her son was 21 that the truth was exposed.

    Her fear was because a mother can see more of what is in a sons mind than he could ever know.  Then at 21 the truth was exposed. It was him who was sexually obsessed for me.  

    Not that she ever knew the truth.  Unknown even to her, the reality in the end was her homophonic attitude was her fear of her own sons behaviour.

  5. If I did I'd be a hypocrite. If I called them militants just because my lifestyle, they feel, threatens their notions of morality and spirituality than I'd be just like them in calling all g**s a threat to the family unit and part of the 'g*y agenda." They are just afraid of what they don't know. Ignorance inspires fear and fear inspires hate.

  6. not necassarily they might just think that theyre better than us because they like the oppsite s*x while we don't

  7. No-most religions teach about the dignity of all people, and respect for all humanity. Surprisingly, this includes homosexuals and both sexes. In my opinion, it is people who don't believe in God and/or don't practice a religion who exhibit the most hostility to everything.

  8. I don't think it's religion. I'm Christian and 100% g*y, I think God still loves me for who I am. g*y's may have not been what he first intended but I believe he'll love anyone no matter who they're attracted to.

    Homophobic's are not shown enough g*y people, they don't hang with them. Homophobic's can be closed-minded and rude but I still won't hate them no matter what they think of me.

    Sometimes they're the people who are afraid to come out...

  9. a big yes.

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