
Do you think that the more attention you give to spirits/ghosts..the more they come around?

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Do you think that people who are really busy with their work and their families have fewer paranormal experiences..or notice them less?Do you think that maybe if we never "acknowledged" them..even poltergeists...they would go away? Has anyone tried this?




  1. That is one theory yes.

    I don't know if the busy with work or family idea compared to levels of reported paranormal activity has ever bee studied.

    As far as poltergeist if depends on what theory you believe in. For instance the current theory (recurrent spontaneous psychokinesis) is based on the idea that a poltergeist is psychokinesis (PK) that takes place because of stress on a person from unexpressed emotional conflict. The person does not know he/she is causing the activity.

    Then if a person was busy with work and ignoring his family it might cause a poltergeist at home if someone felt neglected. If the person felt like the employer was forcing to much time away from family it might cause a poltergeist at work.


  2. it is believed that if you give an entity attention it will cause them to react more if they know that they have your attention

  3. i really think so.. if they see that you are noticing them, the more they want to disturb you.. its kinda like being a bully.. just say you throw things at everyone but they all ignore you... except this one person who took it quite hardly and is very upset, scared.. being a bad bully, you would decide to disturb him even more.. coz he makes a good victim.. he gets scared..


    the same thing here.. when they notice that you are scared and have noticed them.. the more they wanna go after you..i dont think we should even show that we know they are there.. just totally ignore everything..

    i think if we totally ignore them.. they will go away after a while.. but i dont think anyone has tried it coz it is quite scary..

    edit.. i think cocktail has it right

  4. If one thinks they have a haunting, than I believe, as long as their is negative energy/vibrations out there, than their will be entities to latch onto them.  Ignoring a spirit, ghost, or entity will not make it leave.  It probably will make it stronger, because it will know one is being weak.  Busy people aren't ignoring an entity, their minds are going a mile a minute.  Their vibrations are too fast for the entity.

    Becoming a strong person in telling this entity you don't want it their will make it leave.  When someone lets the entity know, they are not afraid, and that they command them to leave, they will go. Its a power all of us have.

  5. That wouldn't explain historical areas, where as a person would witness a paranormal experience,  there is no attention to be given or if the person even knew the place had a history, yet still had an experience.

    I have investigated quite a few Air Craft-carriers. Where people who worked on the ship had experience paranormal activity and other people never experienced anything.

    Bottom line if a spirit wants your attention it will get it. You can chase after the paranormal all you want and never experience anything in your life time.

  6. First, poltergeists, despite the name, are not actually spirits.  These are generally caused by latent psychic ability in the central person, which is manifesting in a chaotic way in a period of stress (puberty, moves, problems, etc.).  The manifestations cause more stress, which causes more activity.  It is a vicious cycle.  

    Second, yes, the more attention you give a ghost, the more it will be able to manifest itself in the material world.  This is also true for demons and other entities who may masquerade themselves as ghosts.  This is why Ouija boards are so dangerous.  They work by essentially poking a random hole into the wall that separates the material and spirit world and allows whatever happens to be there an opportunity to slither through.  The more you use the hole, the bigger it tears, the more can come through....

    However, if you were living in a haunted house, simply ignoring the spirits would not cause them to go away.  It could cause them to become more frustrated, because they know you can detect them but refuse to acknowledge them, or it could cause them to simply become invisible to you.  Just because you don't feel them, doesn't mean they aren't still there.  It just means that you have turned yourself off to your ability to detect the entity.  

    As well, not all hauntings are aware of the existence of the living in the home/ area.  One ghost may just wander the house, performing their own actions, and never notice one way or another if you ever can detect it.  Some of these hauntings are not ghosts but psychic imprints that are left behind on an area.  It is like a photograph that is taken in psychic format, usually caused by something that caused great emotion -- battles, murders, catastrophes, etc.  They are detectable by clairvoyants or other psychics and spirit mediums, but since they are just psychic memories, you cannot have any effect on them, regardless of what you do.

    Finally, not all ghosts are unhappy.  There are ghosts who haunt a house simply because they were so happy when they lived there, they don't want to leave.  There are others who may be stuck in an area because of how they died, yet they are not unhappy to be there (though become upset when faced with their deaths).  Others are haunting an area because of habit.  They just lived there so long, it doesn't feel right to leave.  

    Though a large portion of hauntings are caused by violent deaths (or violent lives), not all are.  Some are just lost souls who haven't passed on yet.  Some are afraid to cross over.  Some aren't ready.  Some plain don't want to do it.


  8. It has been my experience, that if you have spirits living among you, the more you ignore them, the more they act up.  Some obviously for more attention, and some just to be noticed.  I myself have never tried to ignore them, on the contrary, the times they've gone out of their way to be noticed, I ask them what they want.

  9. Great question Deenie I believe that if you are willing to acknowledge a presence you do open up a channel of communication to some degree. Of course there are some people who have always been 'tuned' to the spiritual/paranormal and seemed to be bugged by ghosts when they want no part of it. Its worth considering their are a large number of poltergeist cases where the victims were non believers.  

    So I'm of the opinion if you acknowledge the paranormal, it may acknowledge you too.

  10. In a nutshell those who give the paranormal attention will get it.

    It's like you are opening a door and it becomes more likely that something will walk through it.

  11. The more you believe in the supernatural, the more you think you experience it because you attribute every normal occurrence to being caused by ghosts or spirits.

    If I hear an unexplained noise, I think is that neighbors, wild animals, wind etc? I don't come to the conclusion that my house is haunted!

  12. In my experience if you know they are there and ignore them problems will arise.

    In the first house we lived in we knew there was something there, we only said something about or to him after we realized he had done something. Just to let him know yes we remember your here.

    In the second house we tried to ignore it. It then got violent.

    Threw cookbooks off the fridge, a shelf fastened to the wall was lifted and thrown to the floor just inches from my daughters bed, glasses were thrown. The list goes on.

    When we did lash back it fed off the anger so we just moved!!

    So in my opinion it is best to acknowledge them and move on with your day.

  13. Thought is energy.  So to give things like that attention and thought, gives them energy.  Ignoring them or being oblivous to them weakens them.  That's one theory.  

    The other theory is that if we get too busy with everyday, mundane things, then our minds are not quiet we can't hear the subtle things going on around us.

  14. If you give spirits too much attention, they come around more. But if you try to ignore them completely, it aggravates them and they try to do things to *demand* your attention.

    This particular aspect is normal behavior for many beings. Humans and other sentient beings don't like to be ignored either, and will often become hostile in order to force an ignorer to stop it. And humans also like attention and will come around people who give lots of it. So it's no surprise that spirits act the same way.

    What I've found works best on a lot of them is to give a *minor* acknowledgment if I detect a presence...just enough to let them get the idea "I detect you." The specifics vary depending on what I'm picking up. Often it's just a mental "nod" or a short but pointed look.

    Note that the above doesn't work on really evil types. If something is trying to kill you or take you over, you need to get serious about the defense.

    As for busy people, I think they foolishly ignore too much. They do the equivalent of strolling out into the freeway without looking, and hoping they don't get flattened. It's a wonder they aren't constantly in trouble! And sometimes they DO get in a jam from how some of them get vague feelings that "something's not right", or they do behaviors that aren't "in character" for the person. Not detecting does not equal not affected.

  15. Cocktail has it all right

  16. here is a theory that i myself am working on.

    ever wonder how the devil can keep check of all u do wrong since he cant be everywhere at once like God? I beleive that ghosts are the basic spies of the devil, makes sense since they are invisible and not much people can see them.

    also i think that they are the basic building blocks of all other demons, since they are made up of matter or energy, all they need is to create them selfs a body

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