
Do you think that the notion of "all men are child molesters" is rational?

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Because being a man, I think that this is rational. It is based on statistical information that cannot be denied. I like children but at the same time I am afraid of them. Why? Because of the vindications attached to them. I don't even want to be a father for this reason. (no joke).

Do you think my ideas are warranted.?

Do you think that people unjustly condone men because of the "perceptions"?

Do you thin men can be trusted? (ex. babysitting)

What do you think?




  1. Not all men are child molesters.

  2. I would never trust you, but I trust other men, because NOT ALL MEN ARE CHILD MOLESTERS, and to think that disturbs me highly.

  3. I don't even understand why you think that is rational? I absolutely trust my husband and father with my daughter. I know they'd never do anything inappropriate to her. Yeah, there's some sickos in the world, but that's why I don't leave my daughter with men I don't trust. Her grandpa and her daddy are the only men I trust in her life.  

  4. I trust a man just as much as a woman when it comes to babysitting my child.  Some men are child molesters, but so are some women.

  5. Not all men are child molesters. Just be careful with what you do.  

  6. i very much so disagree that every man is a child molester.i think that is basically bullsh*t.child molesters are sick people whom i don't think it is possible to express how badly i hate them or want them all dead.but i do not think anywhere near all men are child molesters..and most statistical things are bullsh*t also no one can say who people are or what they do based on percentage.also i leave my daughters with my husband (thier father) all the time..and with my uncle and dad..i know they are okay

  7. I think any adult, male or female, can acquire a taste for any deviant sexual practice. The percentage of women who molest children is way under-reported. Someone in my family was molested several times by the daughter of a family friend, and another friend of mine (who is a man, now) was badly sexually abused by his own mother.

    It's just that women, for whatever reason, have a far stronger and more vocal hatred for the subject of child molestation than men do; perhaps, due to their mothering instincts.

    I know what you mean about being afraid of children, though, dude. I am, too. I'm always afraid of accidentally hurting them. I think it's just OCD, because I know I would never want to do anything to hurt a child sexually or just physically. It seems like modern day, if you're a man, you can be falsely accused and thrown in prison, and no one believes you're innocent, because what would an innocent man be doing in prison accused of child molestation. The law's a little too hair-triggered, in that sense. I'm afraid to even be alone with a child, for that reason. You only have to SEEM like the stereotype for society to rape you of your life: quiet, introverted, single, not good with children. I, personally, have a lot of rage toward society because of its thoughtless, irredeemable, condemnation of anyone who SEEMS like a child-molester. It's not fair.

    Hanging out with little kids and getting to know them- despite my fear- has helped to reinforce my hatred of child molestation, and helped me to stop second-guessing myself. I often fear I might temporarily lose my mind and go on a killing spree, even though I have no desire to hurt anyone; but I know, that's also just OCD. I'm not sure, but I strongly suspect somebody did something to me as a very small child, and that could be part of the reason I feel strange around children. You?

  8. Statistical information that all men are child molesters? What are you talking about?

  9. statistically most men are NOT child molesters...............

    would i trust a man to baby sit? well i would trust my father,my step  father both my brothers,both my brothers in law, my ex (sons father)  and my husband to babysit if need be

  10. thats ridiculous in my opinion

  11. i think you have some issues.


  12. i have never heard all men are child molesters . there not . i dont trust just wnyone with my daughter not even women  

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