
Do you think that the number of wives cheating is on the rise, due the fact that more women are working?

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It was a article that stated the numbers are rising, because more women are in the workforce? Due you think this is true? Why or Why not?




  1. ANYONE who works might have more opportunities, than if they stay at home

    We covet that which we see with our eyes

  2. Possibly because they are more independant, but there are so many other factors - the availability of divorce, a more sexually permissive society, safer contraceptive, more freedom of movement (one women couldn't go into pubs). But it could be one of many contributing factors.

    However, saying this is a reason women should remain at home is not valid. Because work is likely to be one of the factors towards men having affairs (or status and money, specifically have well recorded associations). So both men and women have to stay home? Furthermore, ensuring the fidelity of other people's marriage is not the job of the legal system or society at large. It's the job of the two people involved. So no. Mostly, women are happier when working (average). That's more important.

  3. Well that's been established for a while now. Why even ask a question that's obvious women should get home to their children to this crowd, they won't ever admit you're right. They'll fight you with their last breath even when their kids are pregnant or on crack, their marriages are in shambles and all they have left is their cats.

  4. The fact that women are working is not the cause of infidelity. It just gives people more opportunities to cheat. Whether they take them is their problem entirely.

  5. No.  I think it's just more the idea that people don't think there's anything wrong with it... which of course isn't true.


    Being in the home doesn't preclude a person from cheating if that is their intent. Where do you think the old time term the "milkman's baby" came from?

    Also, during the Victorian and  Edwardian era, particularly amongst the aristocracy, there were plenty of opportunties for women to cheat...especially after they had finished having that "heir" and the spare.  Their husbands would be gone a lot on business, their servants tended to household matters, so in some cases there was little else to do.  

    One of the more peculiar traditions re: affairs centered around afternoon tea...and making afternoon social calls.  If curtains were drawn in the parlor, that was a signal to the servants the lady of the house was NOT to be disturbed...and if she had a gentleman visitor, they could "do as they will" and no one would ever intrude...and even if the servants knew what was happening, they didn't rat her out lest they risked losing their "place."

    Also, some of those folks on those "weekends in the country" would pair off after dark, and the general rule was pretty much don't ask, don't tell.

    Nope, women and men have stepped out on spouses since Biblical times. Don't believe me? Read Proverbs...and you'll see even then it was more about opportunity and willingness, rather than having a career.

  6. That is about as valid as saying men cheat because they are working.

  7. Possibly. There's more opportunity to meet people. Isn't it something like 4 out of 10 couples that meet at work? Then again, wives who stay at home might be having an affair with the plumber or postman, and that would surely be worse as it'd be taking place in the husband's home, while he was at work.

    Anyway it's not a good enough reason to keep women in the home, sorry.

  8. The reason the wives cheat is the husband lose his s*x appeal,he burp and f**t in front of the wife  and his hygiene is questionable that is a big turn off. And his clothes when he takes his wife to dinner or dances wearing his gardening shorts  it is no excuse that it  is summer aah,ah, I can't blame the wife who goes astray. It is not true that the cause of cheating is the workforce.

  9. I have seen similar articles.  But I feel that it also causes the man to cheat also if he has some issues himself and needs to be the provider type.  Cheating is a choice and it will be done by anyone who does not value the person they are with, working or not.  Blaming it on she had a job is just an excuse.  Kinda like calling the fling a home wrecker, Blame what ever you want but when you are pointing the finger there are three more pointing right back.

  10. How exactly is connected the idea of working with cheating???... I don't get it

  11. If you think women staying home would decrease the number of wives cheating then men should stay home as well to decrease husbands from cheating. We'll have just one big happy paranoid family at home watching each other take out the trash and get the groceries to ward off one of them running off with the garbage collector or the grocer.

    Let's see a link to the article-correlation is not causation. ie..Just because more dogs are producing puppies does not mean that cats have decreased production of kittens.

  12. Traditionally, men have always enjoyed the prerrogative of being able to cheat without fearing any consequences. Women who entered the workforce had to learn to behave like men in many ways, otherwise they would not be respected by them. Unfortunately, along the way, women picked up some of the bad habits men enjoy, so it is logical to assume that if men and women are equals, they are both prone to make the same mistakes. Women do not need to work in order to cheat, they can do that at home as well, without anyone being the wiser

  13. No.  It's probably due to unhappiness in their relationships.

  14. You're joking right?  I mean... You think that women at home all day have LESS of an opportunity to cheat???  Where do you think that old cliche about the milk-man's kids came from?

    If there were any effect from working, I'd expect it would decrease cheating.  That said, I'd bet that there's no effect.

  15. i don't think the article is 100% accurate. a  woman who cheats is  going to whether in the work force or not. working may give them more of an opportunity to do so

  16. People tend to cheat more in unhappy marriages.

    But now, because women and men aren't so trapped if they find themselves in one of those situations (because of divorce and increased financial independence for women), they're less likely to stay in miserable marriages, so the remaining marriages tend to be happier than the average marriage in the past.

    I'd venture to say there would be less cheating, all things considered, especially as the attitude about cheating husbands has gotten more harsh.  A man now has more to lose if he cheats, his wife could actually leave and not look back, so he might just to decide to keep it in his pants.

    You can't have cheating women without cheating men, after all.  (As long as we're talking about straight people)

  17. It is very possible but certainly not a reason for women to stay home. If you're a housewife it's unlikely that you'll form connections with other men that you might cheat with since you're home alone all day. Working women have more opporunity to work with men that can lead to flirting and more.

    This is just the same for men though. Since they're now just as likely to cheat would you want them to stay home too?

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