
Do you think that the only concern in voting in the next election will be pro life?

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How much time in the 4 yr Presidency will the President spend on Pro life and what will be his actions. OR will, lets say, the economy, jobs, ending our invasion of Iraq, the infrastructure of the U.S., medicare, social security ect. Do any of these deserve our concern????




  1. no, i don't think pro life is the only concern.

    people are very concerned about the economy, education, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, etc -

    Bring on the DEBATES!

  2. Well the only reason It Isn't worked on more...Is that you have crazy women lib. people and other Dem. trying to stop It.

  3. Of course not. It's just that for me, it's the most important one because these babies that are torn apart or burned needlessly don't have a choice. The soldiers and the citizens of Iraq, the people that are dealing with tough economic conditions and whatever do. What if abortion can be stopped and the kids grow up to be saviors to our world's ills? We'll never know because evidently pro lifers are  unrealistic idealists. Sorry, we were just trying to save lives. Guess we shouldn't have bothered, right?

  4. For those who tend to vote based solely on one issue, yes.

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