
Do you think that the person who invented the football should have been stifled at death.?

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I do and I'll tell you why. We live in a cul-de-sac where all the kids gather and proceed to kick a ball from morning till sundown. The constant thud! thud! thud! drives me balmy. When house prices start to rise again I'm outta here! Till then I just live with my headphones on. GRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrr!




  1. The guy who invented Football should have been President.

  2. I know eactly how you feel! We have a nice piece of green in front of our house and kids like to play football there, with total disregard of all the cars their ball hits!!!! I hate that thudding sound of the football!!!!

    - We have a park 5 minutes walk away, yet for some reason that is too far for them to walk! Lazy so and so's !!

  3. football is awesome. tell them to shut up or go to a park or sumthing,  

  4. No becuase football is the greatest sport ever invented

  5. Your retarded...I wish I would be kicking a ball right now outside your house just to p**s you off more.  

  6. I know what you mean unusually for a Liverpool man I have no interest in football so the constant playing of the game always tends to irritate me. I now live on a busy residential road so the problem does not happen, but some parents do not seem to know how irritating the sound is. never mind the school holidays finish this weekend and the nights are drawing in. seriously I think you would have more room for complaint if they were playing cricket in the street. At least when I was young i could play that in a back jigger which for us was about 8 feet wide and the ball just hit the walls of the backyards. It is part of the clash of interest between the young and the old. I take it that you  live in the States seeing this is under the American Football section. A ppark is not quite the nice safe place peole without children think it is and it certainly was not considered to be so when I was young

  7. Get a bb gun. That will clear out the mongrels...

    But if there was no football, they'd probably be kicking a tin can around. You should consider yourself lucky.

  8. I'm not sure doing anything to him at death would have helped much.

  9. I agree. I know exactly what you are going through. I live on the first floor of a tower block and the kids use my wall and bedroom window for a goal post. It has a notice saying "No Ball Games" on the wall, but they obviously cannot read!!

  10. Absolutely not

    Even if he hadn't invented it the kids would be kicking some other kind of ball like a soccer ball, dodgeball, etc. so the kids are going to play with a ball either way

    Just go out there and tell em to shut up

  11. I believe the person who invented the cul-de-sac is who you should be mad at!

  12. USC invented the game called football

    Root for USC

  13. You're and idiot.  Those kids are having fun in the outdoors.  Without football they would braking into your shed and egging your house.

    Why don't you get a life and go throw the ball with them a little bit.  I'll be you've got a big gut you need to work off anyway.

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