
Do you think that the pussycat dolls good role models?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike i was just wondering cuz my sister that 14 wants to dress like them




  1. No, but are they trying to be role models?  

    EDIT:  Do you really know of any girl pop group that will out right say "hey we like to dress S****y, so we want to make it clear we do not want to be looked at as role models"  Of course they're not going to say that.  I think yeah it sucks for little girls in their pre-teens to feel like that's what you should look up to or strive to be, but that's where the parents should come in and set them straight.

  2. no

  3. ha...ha.... you really have to ask...

  4. h**l no!  

  5. They may sing some good songs but they are not good role models they are really S****y!

  6. Definitely no!

    'When I Grow Up' pretty much sums up how rubbish a role model they actually are.

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