
Do you think that the rapture story is about mass alien abduction of humans ?

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do you think that the rapture story in the bible is about mass alien abduction of humans ?

someone told me that it happens on regular time intervals, and that the story came from the last time it happened, they also said that it will happen again in 2012.

I just can't seem to it out of my head, so I am curious what others think.




  1. It could be possible, would that be cool!

  2. The word rapture never appears in the Bible.  The rapture (the sudden disappearance of believers) is a common theory of what may happen in the end times.  There is precedent of similar events happening in the Bible, but I don't attribute those events to beings from other planets.

  3. h**l yes!Sounds about right!Maybe it will happen again too!

  4. You know, I really hope so, and I'm not being sarcastic either.  I'm not planning on leaving, no matter if alliens or God or whatever have caused the rapture.  Good question.

  5. It's my understanding that there would be; "chosen" people who will be "taken up" to the heavens. For all we know this isn't a necessarily a physical rapture or salvation but a spiritual one as in ghosts or souls. By the way, I'm an abductee and I've been thru this several times but usually into another body and time such as in the past or future.

  6. it is interesting what you say,however the term abduction(to carry of by force)like it does not fit with the 'salvation'-concept,

    however,trought out the Bible,even from the start there are these

    stories that if  looking at them without blindness,they might pretty

    describe or one can get a description of aerial crafts,and they are plenty of them,however,the Mayas they were one of the

    civilizations that had an excellent knowledge of astronomy,there

    is nothing wrong with their predictions,but since it's something

    special,people start to make all kinds of predictions,and kind

    of mix everything and take it out of context,so you should search

    what are the mayan 2012 prophecies,and what is the Revelation of John,haven't you noticed that instead of using other terms

    as renovation,a new cycle,etc,well the words used for things like that are ,"the end',everything goes to an end',those kind of words

    are very alarmist,so just be cool and don't worry,be happy....

  7. At least a possibility.

  8. This sounds like another apocalyptic claim focusing on December 21, 2012. It's hard to believe that the story of the last mass abduction just showed up in 1 Thessallonians 4. I don't buy it at all.

  9. Theres a thought.

  10. Nope. I think the rapture story is mass misleading of the public at large.

    The idea of the rapture is a Protestant idea. Where did they come up with it since the term "rapture" is not in Protestant bibles?

    It comes from the Latin Vulgate bible. A bible Protestants reject.  It comes from the term "raptus" - which is not blissfully floating up to heaven. It means to be torn away.

    One will be taken (torn away) the other will be left behind.

    It was the prophecy Jesus made about the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD. Those followers of Christ who watched as he said to and saw the warning signs ran for the hills without looking back. Just as he told them to. While the others were literally "torn away."

  11. Actually since I'm a human from the year 2095..I know for a fact that you will survive past 2012. The Mayans had ran out of room with their circular calender and were about to start another continuous one, when the Aztecs routed them from their normal lives. So they were certain we would go past 2012. I have been monitoring alien traffic and right now abductions is at a minimum according to the "Amaranth Treaty", made with them by the Truman Administration and they still participate with a gradual adaption to higher Technology with your Government, which is at their discretion..they seemed to only give a little at a time or what they think you can handle at the moment.  As far as Rapture, many believe in a Supreme beings, even the aliens you are currently associated that's up in the air..many believe that can happen as documented in your ancient Earth Texts!

    21st Century Man

  12. You should read "To Your Scattered Bodies Go" by Phillip Jose Farmer.

  13. You'll get your answer in 2012.Nothing will happen and the crazies will go on to something else.My advice hop off the silly wagon and enjoy your life.You are in no danger from extraterrestrials.They are far away and harmless because of it.If they are there at all.That still is an if.

  14. I don't think so, but who knows for sure?

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