
Do you think that the save 360 page will get Yahoo to take notice?

by  |  earlier

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It's a site dedicated to shedding light on the problems with 360, and our desire for Yahoo, or whomever ends up with it in the end to keep the site like it is and repair it to a suitable condidtion.




  1. Unfortunately I don't think they will take a blind bit of notice. If they had any interest they would have done something months ago when people were contcting them in their thousands to ask them to rectify faults and improve the page.

    I'd like to think that these things will have a positive effect, but I'm sad to say that they will just ignoroe it and do whatever it was they were going to do.

  2. probably not

  3. If they don' is a sad state of affairs for all of us! We have supported Yahoo for a long time.  Now they just want to dump us! I believe with the fast rate that the momentum is growing on the SAVE YAHOO 360 page...they will have to listen.  Thanks for asking!

  4. All I know is that if 360 goes then I'm switching to another IM as well. I have been having problems with it too.  I have made a page on Windows Live Spaces and I think it is comparable.

  5. please save our 360 and fix all theproblems

  6. god d**n hope so

  7. I hope so, I love 360! I complained to them about my page and somehow it got fixed, the only issue I have is not being able to show my groups and submit my reviews but other than that it seems to be working like its suppose to. Those other sites want your whole life story and have stupid stuff (kiddie stuff) for you to put on your page.  360 is simple and to the point and it is less messy and confusing.  They have a great thing, I don't understand why they need to change it.  360, needs to do a complete 360 of their own and get out the kinks and become something greater.  Rock On 360!

  8. Probably not, but IDK. If we get over a hundred or so members to participate, spread the word, and use your tags Yahoo! might take notice. I'm doing all I can to get my friends to pitch in on help, but I feel like I'm twisting their arm off know what I mean? But it's ok, I'm trying to think positive....and many others have came to me to show support anyway. Lots of kisses to you :)

  9. I also like the yahoo 360 but the sad fact is that the corporate yahoo 360 has made the decision to discontinue 360 and once corporate makes a decision to change it then there will be no chance to get it back, As far as maintaining it to a working condition they have already announced that they will no longer fix any issues with 360, So in my opinion I dont think that any petition in the world would help but hey ya cant go wrong by trying right?


  10. Me too .. this is a sad state of affairs, watching as we *circle the drain* .. 360 is so much better than most social blogging places. It has afforded us user-friendly ways to share our thoughts, our favorites and our positions on what's going on around us.  I would be lost without it and I know I'm not the only one.  We've been hanging in for so long with all these glitches, and still not strayed.

    Maybe if we each donated a dollar? LOL

  11. Do I think Yahoo will save 360????

    Will they take notice????


  12. Yahoo knows we love our 360 pages.

    The more of us who speek up YES the better it will be.

    Strength in Numbers so to speak.

    Yahoo 360 was my first blog page, so to me this is my family.

    I grew up here learning how to do blog pages.

    Multiply has its advantages no mass mail like we can do here.

    Better theme picks but the family is here at 360.

    My Space I do not care for.

    Mash I do not care for.

    Agian Yahoo 360 is home.

    This is where my family started and continues to live.

    Have a happy and safe weekend.

  13. I hope so. I like 360 the way it is, if they would fix the glitches. Thank you for creating a forum where people can speak up and let Yahoo corporate know what they think.

  14. Even if they do see it I really don't think they are going to do anything. Everyone would have to protest byt NOT using 360 at all. Actaully not using yahoo for anything, and not just a day. That includes mail, search engine, anything to do with Yahoo. They have in their mind what they want to do and they are leaving emtpy promises of a better more enhanced 360. So Im sorry I really don't think the page does anything but give yahoo more traffic.

  15. h**l no I dont think we can be ignored!! the more people join that site and take a stand it WILL force yahoo to take notice and do something

  16. If yahoo shuts down the 360 community, Ill not use ANYTHING they have ever again....they have let me down in such a big way!! What they offer here is everywhere on the internet and they dont have the scoop on anything new!!! I started here on 360 and it will always be my first love (networking site) so0o0o what a big disappointment I have for Yahell....Myspace now offers everything yahoo has!!!!

  17. I really like 360. some of the others like face book etc take to long to update and are too complicated. I am happy with my 360, it keeps me in touch with people from all around the world. I fear I would lose contact with some of them if it went.

  18. Hard to say, I love's the only site I use, and spend hours on 360.  I would love to see it returned to normal as it used to be, and actually get the messages and comments posted on my page.  I have friends that have moved on, but I'm sticking in there, waiting for my favorite site to improve.

  19. 360 is the best thing yahoo has ever done

    and they want be stupid and throw it away.

    i saw the new site they have for women and

    it sucks big time!  there's no way to fix your

    page, no blog etc.

    i love my 360 and want to keep it

    just like all my friends do.






  21. No.  Mine hasn't done much to dent Yahoo's intention to show down 360.  I even have Matt Warburton's direct phone line and email.  Does it matter?  No.

  22. My attitude about this, is a sceptical attitude; because YAHOO! only is interested to have the "universal profile" BAH! It sucks

  23. No, I do not think it Will make a bit of a difference.. It is already past this point..

  24. Lets hope so come on yahoo get it sorted pleaseeeeee

  25. i want 360 back to normal ! i dont like any of the other sites i have tried and keep going back to 360 ! x*x

  26. I'm not sure this page will make any difference to Yahoo or not. I still have concerns that a business like Yahoo, who had the best interactive site for blogging going, allowed this all to happen in the first place. They were either stupid, greedy, or both. There was nothing wrong with Yahoo 360. It was used and liked by millions of people. So, I hope Yahoo listens. If not, I'll just fade away when 360 is dust....Thanks....for trying to help us all.....Leon

  27. Well I have noticed that all the comments I post on their page full of reason seem to vanish quickly. I think they don't care about this community whatsoever and are determined to shape it the way they want it.

    I think there are only two things we can do now:

    1) Complain and put protest banners on every page until they notice.

    2) Cancel our account with Yahoo stating that their customer service is the pits and that they don't care about their members.

    I love the way Yahoo! 360 is now and I think they should only repair the problems and leave it as it is.

    Just analyzing the situation form their point of view, they are facing competition from other social networking sites such as Facebook, MySpace, Multiply and loads more, so they need to find something that will attract more public attention.

    I also think the possible merger for a Microsoft-Yahoo is a massive mistake and will impact negatively in members (apart from losing a great deal of money)

  28. one can only hope!! I love my 360 and have refused to move over to multiply or mash or facebook...but Yahoo certainly needs to do some work here and, quite honestly I don't know if they are up to it. So many people out there really have enjoyed their 360's and have used them in so many unique ways. It would be a shame to see Yahoo let all of that creativity and support (yes support, we spend more time on Yahoo then elsewhere!!!) die. Keep up the good work!

  29. NO. i believe Yahoo already has there OWN agenda, it's not about Us at all. But it is nice to see the efforts that everyone is putting into it and it might urge them to move a little faster on getting this whole transition tied many people are panning out to other sites & forums (as i myself have done)

  30. It's a nice thought but I think it's optimistic to believe that anything said or done here will make a huge amount of difference. I'm sorry to be a downer. I loves the 360 very very much but some of the problems stem back to last year. Messages and comments have been disappearing for a long time.

    What really bothers me is that they can't just kill it out right and seem to be letting it drag it's dying carcass around from day to day. What's the deal too with this new site? Is it MyYahoo? I certainly hope not. That site is impossible to navigate comfortably. I resent the lack of information and the complete disregard for our feelings.

  31. It is my view that we have to realise that Yahoo360 is the blogging/social networking site linked to our YahooIDs so we may treat this as a possible attack on our public freedom of expression.Even though I am on other blogging/social networking sites I do like Yahoo360.I would prefer that Yahoo Mash was basically used as a starter page for yahoo360 which in turn would be a launch pad for the good old Geocities homepage.Also Yahoo360 could also be used as a clearing house and launchsite for our friends networks on other social networking sites which after all do use our yahoo addresses importer functions for our friends on those sites.I am sorely tempted to have a style users revolt over this.

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