
Do you think that the setter has the most important job;and if so why dont they get credit-im 1 & just curious

by  |  earlier

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I get really mad when we get a kill and the crowd cheers for the hitter; but it couldn't happen without the set!!!




  1. While it is true that the team as a whole needs to pass well for the team to be effective, the setter is the one single player that is most important. I played setter in high school, and I experienced the same cheers intended for the hitter after a huge hit. I simply took those cheers as a compliment to me, for there's no better compliment to a setter than the hitter depositing one on the opponent's ten foot line.

  2. No, My coach always said the first pass was most important. Because if the setter get a bad pass either wayy over his/her  head, below his/her chetst then he/she can't do any thing with it. But if the first pass is good then the setter could set it  up for the spiker!!!!!!

  3. setters are usually the unsung hero..

    just like goalkeepers in soccer..

    when a team wins 2-0, pple praise the goalscorers, but forgot that if it wasnt because of the goalkeeper, the scoreline might have been 2-2 or 2-3..

    plus outsiders have the perception that setters are forced to be setters because they are short and unable to be good spikers.. they think of them as the leftovers..

  4. without a good's hard to get a good set, and without a good's hard to get a kill.  who cares what the crowd's about the win.

  5. yea the setter is important but the first person to get the ball is the receiver (passer) so it all depends on the passes. If the passes are good, the setter has so many options for setting and making the team look good. Plus the setter doesn't have to go through worry of serve receiving or receive a ball when attacked from the opposition.

  6. HEY! i think we setters....ROCK! i mean....without us who will run the play?? huh? HUh?? without us........ those playahzz inside the court would look like kids playing "pass the ball' ^__^ no offense..... but i think we setters are the most MOST important players in the FIELD!! ^__^

  7. The hitters get all eh glory and thats teh way it is.  Setters are very important but if your a glory hound, which it sounds like you are then your in the wrong position.  It all starts with the pass and then the setter and ends with the big hit.  If you think about it the setter should get the least amount of glory for a well played out.  The setter gets the credit for a fix of a bad pass.  You should be happy with the praise of your team mates which i'm sure comes from your hitters.  After i put a good set down i always go over to the setter later and tell him "nice/good/sweet set".

  8. yes the setters are very very important. they are like the quarter backs on football teams.  making the play happen.  i think they dont get much credit bc the hits are what win the point or whatever wins the point is something that people cheer a lot about. the passers are very very good also because with out a pass you have no set but no one gives them much credit either.  i think even though the setters dont get cheered or high fived by other players that the hitters really appreciate their setters. i know because im a hitter and ive always known that setters dont get credit they deserve and when ever i make a really good hit that no one returns i always thank my setter and tell her nice sets.

  9. football and baseball are the only team sports i can think of where the "quarterback/pitcher/setter"(all the same in their respective sports) are the star most ofter and are recognized for it.

    i played volleyball in h.s. club. and college. i set. played middle bl. , outside hitter and opposite. i think you can change the way you look at it and you'll be a lot happier. so theres a perfect set by you and the hitter kills it ... 10 foot line.. kaboom. the croud roarsevery one seems to cheer for the hitter but it was the whole play that they cheer for the climax just happens to be when they kill it. dont get jealous. it deffinately couldnt have hapened w/out u .... or ....them. try to dump somemore and make some spectacular plays that get attention from the crowd. lead the team to the cif finals your teammates will have raspect for you because they know. u maker of plays r a huge reason it worked. just give yourself a pat on the back and love the game.

  10. Volleyball is a team sport.  Every position plays a defined role based on your game strategy.  The setter is the key person that leads and controls how the team executes its strategy.

  11. While the crowd might not recognize the work that you do, relish in the cheers of the hitter.  While they might not know, your hitter knows, your team knows, and you know that it was on you.

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