
Do you think that the smear tactics being used by the Democrats will end up hurting them in this election?

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I know that the Republicans are not being completely nice to the Democrats, but it is nothing like the tactics used by Democratic supporters such as and many Liberal journalists.




  1. No, both parties have been completely ridiculous towards each other. Even candidates within parties have been ridiculous towards each other. (ie Clinton and Obama)

    This is politics, honey.

  2. Playing with McCains heroism will boomerang to theDems. Americans love patriots and not those phony guys who throw away then pick "that pin" (US flag lapel pin) and use for celebrity acting.

  3. You would like to think that it would hurt them, but I doubt it very seriously.  If you need any evidence, check out the kooks that are on display here in Yahoo Answers!

    Sadly, it seems as though the divisiveness and ingnorance in this country knows no boundaries., MSNBC, CNN, etc. spew some scurilous rumor or half truth and the throngs of uninformed voters swarm.

    Although, i'm no fan of John McCain, he's obviously a better choice than the alternative, but i'm afraid we're looking at at least four years of unchecked liberalism.

  4. They already have.

    Obama got virtually no bump after his convention?!

    His 15 minutes of fame are almost up

  5. what smear tactics, only one going on about anything are your own party,  

  6. What are the smears?

    The very hurtful truth I've seen out there by "liberal journalists" actually post their sources and where they got the information.  What are the sources for republican hurtful truths?  Well if you are Corsi it would be anonymous rightwing BLOGS.  Come on now, let's be honest.

    And, no, I never feel that telling the truth will backfire.

  7. You mean saying thing like the father of Palin daughter baby claim to be a red neck so he will fit in good at the GOP convention. No i don't think it would hurt the Dems because its true

  8. What smear mean Palin's daugther is not pregnant.....or

    she  has been governor for years and years......she is not being investigated......and oh yeah she really has a law degree from Harvard instead of a BS degree in Journalism .......those mean old Democrats...

  9. Just imagine if she had friends like Obama had!  

  10. No. It will end up hurting the Republicans just like it's designed to.

    Now was that sarcasm or the truth?

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