
Do you think that the steady increase in tornadoes is a symptom of climate change?

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Tornadoes have been on the increase ,almost steadly for the past ten years. The number of severe thunder storms is way up. Record rainfall,record size hail,record straight-line winds.

How much is too much?

I don't want to hear about your doubts about whether or not AGW is even happening or a hoax. I don't think that the people living under DAILY tornado warnings,and severe storms,think this is normal.

This link shows the increase...

This link shows ALL the myths about global warming....




  1. Maybe but then I could correlate it to the dew point also. And from there I could associated it to the simple lay of the land. From there I could tie it into economics. "Moot point"

  2. Yes, that's what I THINK, but I would need evidence to back up my claim.

  3. no but it could be a natural cycle how like every so many years the number of tornadoes rises. These types of things have been thought of before and conveniently blamed on global warming. They screamed global warming during 2005's unusually high hurricane season. The very year after the number decline dramatically.

  4. You are forced to believe in one or the other.  The scientist who warn us about global warming say the increase in tornadoes and hurricanes in a natural variation is the number of storms.  Could they be right about one and not the other?

  5. This weather is nuts.  The other day we had 3 tornadoes in an hour span and then 3 hours later 2 more.  I've lived in the Chesapeake bay area for almost 20 years now and in the last 3-4 years  I've seen more tornadoes and hurricanes than the previous 15 put together.  Its global warming.  NOT climate change.

  6. Bob,

    That hasn't been "PROVEN" either. Theories can't be proven. Don't you realize this?

    "2007 was the ALLTIME record for tornadoes.....

    until THIS YEAR!"

    Except the spring of 2007 was much warmer than this spring. An active tornado season is commonplace in a la nina year. This is a la nina year.

  7. If you look at the upper level flow across the American midwest, what has been happening the last few years is that a Rossby wave has parked on N. America, with a high pressure system to the east and a low to the west.  This "funnels" the flow up from the Gulf of Mexico across the midwest to the northeast.  When this warm, humid air encounters cold arctic air coming from the north, you get severe weather.  This pattern has been particularly strong this spring, and likewise the last few years, which is what is leading to all the severe weather that spawns the tornadoes.  So that's the synoptic story (and if you go to the NOAA NCDC website and find images of the upper atmosphere pressure and so forth you can see clear images of this happening).

    Whether or not this pattern is due to anthropogenic warming is a different issue.  I would suspect that the forming of the Rossby wave is more related to something like the Pacific Decadal Oscillation shifting phase.  However, the warmer water in the Gulf of Mexico, which is more than likely due to global warming, acts to amplify the effects of the PDO (or whatever is causing the pressure to do what it's doing) and causes more severe weather in the N. American midwest.  So my hunch is that the synpotic flows aren't caused by warming, but the warmer ocean water leads to more moisture in the air, so the storms can be more intense.  Maybe.

  8. Yes, by all means and mans behavior alters the weather patterns.  If you think of it as the American Indians lived in the United States 17,000 years not altering the natural state of their environment and it was untouched and pristine.  When the Europeans came to the U.S. they found unending resources and in just 200 short years they have managed to genocide the American Indians and turn what was once pristine into a polluted mess.  

    The Global industrialist now want to take it a step further and turn the rest of the world natural resources into a Global polluted Mess.  We must stop the Global Billionaire Elitists from ruining OUR planet.

    I believe that man is altering the weather change and gravitational pull of the earth.

    Just as Mars possibly once had water and vegetation and is now in the state it is in due to climate change. Or the ice age had an influence on the climate change on Earth.

    More scientifically, one example is Earth is experiencing a climate change because man is cutting the forest of the world.  I believe the cause responsible for the harsh tornados and hurricanes in the United States is the clear cutting of the Rain Forests.  The Rain Forests are experiencing a drought and the water is dumping else where like the U.S.

    When man siphons oil and water from the Earth that changes the natural state of the Earth therefore influencing the weather patterns.  

    Take for instance a city like Phoenix, Az., it’s prone to sink holes because of the mass caverns under the city that once had water in them and are now empty.  If there should be a massive earth quake damage to the down town infrastructure would happen.  Sinking is already happening in the surrounding areas.

    By man using the water on golf courses and upscale housing and man made recreational lakes he has emptied the water caverns and will eventually cause a drought.

  9. The weather has multiple influences: local and global; cyclical, random and trends.  GW was predicted to cause more severe weather events so it fits the model.  But GW is unlikely to be the only factor; we would have cycles with/without mankind influencing climate.

  10. I think so, but it's just a correlation at this point.  Unlike temperature increase, it's not been PROVEN this is due to our emissions of greenhouse gases.

  11. Yes as tornadoes need both cold and warm air to form, an increase on tornado's is a great indication that the climate is changing, it's getting colder.

    This and the increase in hail are both indications that the climate is cooling as hail needs cold air at lower attitudes to form.

    The number of tornado's is matching the numbers set back in the 1974 when there were 120 violent storms recorded.    Since the year 2000, the number of violent storms never exceeded 40.

    The 10 deadliest storms all occurred before the year 1953.

    Stating that there are more tornado's today than anytime in the past is either deliberate misinformation or brazen ignorance of the facts.

  12. yes because of the normal coolness of this time of year with the warming climate and cold fronts and warm fronts mixing and causing all of the weird weather ex.) it was around fifty in the coldest part of the year for where i live when it usually twenty during that time then the next week we were below zero with a blizard on its way

  13. and there will be more next year

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