
Do you think that the suicide bombers (like on 9/11) have an influence on so many college murders?

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Seems like now if someone wants to kill themselves..they take others with them. Are they trying to "make a point" like the suicide bombers? I know there has always been violence, but not with schools and colleges like in the past twenty five years.




  1. i think it has a big influence suddenly everytime on the news you hear about a uni its normaly about someone who has opened fire on students. People need to learn to live in harmony with each other

  2. Contrast the murder rate in the U.S., with the murder rate in European countries  (such as England or France or Spain or Germany or Austria or ....).  What do you think might account for the difference?


  3. where have you been. there has been violence in schools for years. lets see start with... bad grades,drug use,being picked on  bye fellow students. etc....

  4. Is there a connection between mood enhancing drugs like prozac, ridilin, etc and violence?

    also where is your proof that 911 was carried out by suicide bombers?

  5. Charlie Whitman at UTexas started the thing, I think, killing them off the Texas Tower around 1965.  I think from then on it was just a sicko kind of one-upsmanship.

    I don't think the foreign terriorists have much to do with the local variety.  There's been a lot of them since Charlie Whitman, in schools, post offices, malls, work places.  I think until I started posting on YQA I hadn't realized what a long way the strangeness of the human mind has spread out.

    Then I went over and joined a number of Yahoo groups and discovered I hadn't seen anything yet.  When things go off in that many different directions I guess it's inevitable some of them will find dark corners and creepy crawlies to let into their heads.

    My guess it the sniper types in the US probably come from that.

  6. No I think they are totally different and do things for different reasons.  

    Personally, unless the people at a persons school had harmed them (or they believed these people capable of harming them in the future) they should not hurt these people.  I don't understand why a person would claim innocent lives on a rampage.  

    9/11 bombers had some eason for what they did to the US (at least this is the way I'm understanding it).  I feel if a person must kill others, they should only kill those who are guilty of terrible crimes or truly are a threat to them.  

    I believe they are trying to make a point, but they have not thought all their actions through correctly.  If anyone has seen Dexter (on showtime), he is a person who kills, but the people he kills deserve to die (they are murderers who got away, serial killers, etc).  That is how it should be.

    Something I have noticed is that everytime something is shown on tv, a crime, something else seems to happen somewhere else.  For example, there was a person in this state that was caught for shooting people that were driving on the interstate.  Right after they showed this on tv, some other unknown person starts doing the same thing.  They did not catch this other person from what I'm understanding, but did catch the man responsible for starting it.  I think people get ideas from others, you know, copycats.

  7. This is not entirely unheard of, its just think in our memories because this is the time we live in. Here are some incidences that occured long before 9/11

    Clock Tower Shootings by Charles Whitman. 1966

    James Foster in New York shot at students in 1891.

    Andrew Keyhoe killed a ton of students in michigan 1927

    1994 Nicolas Atkinson in North Carolina

    1995 Toby Sincino in South Carolina

    Actually there are tons of these school shootings that have gone on before 9/11.

    Every generation of school student is given the impression that they live in the worst time ever and that there is no escape and that the world is going to end. Much of this is part of adolescence. However, they have increased significantly since 9/11 which indicates it may have an influence on the grim outlook that students have.

    But any heavy and tragic event will spawn a new generation of school shooters, such as the dawn of nuclear weapons or a war.

  8. um.. honestly, i dont think so.. i think the college students actually 'broke' under a lot of stress..

    i dunno.. its just what i think..

  9. guns are too readily available in th U.S....madmen and guns dont mix...

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