
Do you think that the texas chupacabra is a hoax or real?

by  |  earlier

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do they even exist




  1. Since the bigfoot body was deemed a hoax, I'm going to have to go with hoax on this one too.

  2. Yes they exist. No, that video that just came out isn't a chupacabra, it's a dog. There is a hairless dog breed that comes from mexico called a Xoloitzcuintli (show-low-eats-quint-lee). They cut the head off of a dog!

    The real chupacabra  is supposed to be more like a dinosaur looking thing. (According to a friend who saw one.)  

  3. Real, they are selling chupacrabatatos at taco bell.

  4. The chupacabra is the pet of Mexican bigfoot.

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