
Do you think that the tornadoes and storms constantly hitting USA's cities are God's angry message?

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Do you think that the tornadoes and storms constantly hitting USA's cities are God's angry message?




  1. Then god's been angry since the dawn of time.

    Why doesn't he just "part the clouds" and come down here and tell us what he's so pissed about?

    Maybe because he doesn't exist???

  2. could be. but it is so beautiful to see. the angry storms leave a path of destruction. and only god knows why.

  3. No.

  4. Absolutely.  He is saying America is far too religious and needs to become more atheistic.

    When was the last time a hurricane or tornado hit Sweden?  They are 85%+ atheist.   God wants Americans to be more like the Swedes.

  5. No! Tornadoes and storms would always visit the US cities and states because their location is very strategic for the land fall of of these types of weather disturbances.

  6. Funny they don't hit the muslim nations so frequently, does that mean they have the right holy book?  Or is it that Americans are gods chosen people and need a wake up?

    It's all bollocks.  Your answers lay mostly in meteorology, not in superstitions.

  7. personally I hope it is !! people have to understand they need to turn to God,otherwise these calamities will get worse and worse

  8. I think God's angry message is manifested in stupid comments and questions littered throughout the internet

  9. maybe to the republicans about their convention with mccain, bush, cheney and palin as main speakers! but seriously, it's said that we have 5 times more natural disasters than a century ago, which are probably due to global warming and pollution.  so, whether one believes in god or not, we are throwing things off balance and there is a reaction to that from the world/ god.

  10. "God's Anger" seems to be the anger of the idiotically pious anthropomorphizing natural disasters.  

  11. God is allowing the storms and will be responsible for the outcome. God, however, does not express His anger in a petty way like humans.  

  12. Yes, because the wind is the breath of God's nostrils. & God control the wind, In fact we had a tornado back in Jan. That touched down & my wife & I prayed that God will spare our home & our lifes, Our neighbor was killed, & before it hit our house it lifted off the ground over our house, & then touched down again & took a mile lone trees down, & our home was not even touched.

  13. Now wouldn't that be ironic?

    I think you'll find though that it's probably something to do with El Nino... All perfectly, scientifically explicable.

  14. No. I do believe that we are in the end times like the Bible talks about (Matthew 24).  

  15. Personally, I think the storms that hit the US are part of normal atmospheric disturbances.

  16. If God is truly all powerful, he has no need for anger or revenge. Nothing a mortal human can do can harm an all powerful god, or take anything away from it.

    Anger is a useful emotion to humans, because it motivates us to get our needs as mortal creatures met.

    Revenge teaches others not to abuse us again...but why would an all powerful god NEED revenge?

    And even humans have figured out that if you want to train a puppy or a kid, you have to let them know very clearly what they are being punished for and the more closely you can relate it to the behavior, the more effective it is in controlling future behavior. Does god not understand that? Is the best way he has to control humans to slam them with some natural event somewhere that may or may not be connected to their supposedly bad behavior?

    um,, I don't think the storms are god's angry message. I think they are the result of natural weather patterns.

  17. The same way those earthquakes in China were punishment for their godlessness, of course.

    Note the sarcasm dripping off of those words.

  18. Probably

  19. No.

  20. You mean like a f**t from god? NO

  21. No. This is how it's always been, from before the advent of your Christ to today. If storm damage reflected God, then d**n, those dead rabbits and deer torn apart by gale-force winds in the country must have deserved it.

  22. No, it's her fault:

  23. No

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