
Do you think that the use of the morning after pill is murder?

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I have heard many pro-lifers claim that life begins at conception. Do you think that the use of the morning after pill would be murder?




  1. A baby can't be born until the sperm fertilizes the egg and they attach to the uterine lining. The morning after pill stops that from happening. Personally, I don't think it is murder. Not every fertilized egg sticks - and the morning after pill makes sure it doesn't.

  2. if it is really used the morning after, it is not murder.  If you use it 2 months after the fact, i believe it is morally wrong.  But really if your going to use a pill like RU486 why not just use cycle controlling pills?

  3. No it is not murder, if you believe it is then you should also read up on the pill as in birth control pill. Yes it is meant to stop from conception in the first place but in the instance that there is conception it will keep the fertilized egg from attaching to the wall of the uterus, thus not allowing it to flourish. Although there is no miscarriage because that would imply pregnancy.

  4. Nope, the morning after pill (Plan B) does not induce bleeding - it's simply a stronger form of regular contraceptive pill hormones.

    You can claim life beings at conception all you like, but the fact of the matter is, without implantation, that fertilized egg is nothing but a clump of cells.

  5. No, that's absolutely ridiculous.  

  6. Yes it is. Anything that interferes with the natural process of life (which begins at conception) is considered abortion, which is murder.

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