
Do you think that the womens movement........?

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Do you think that Womens equality has had any negative effects on today's women. For exz. making them meaner or more S****y. Or any other effects. Last time I asked this my question was deleted. I am not trying to offend anyone when treat women more like equals then most of the men i have ever met. My question should get a well thought out answer and reporting it or deleting would be an act of I don't know what. Do you think that womens equality has had any negative effects i didn't say or do you think any of the effects it has had would only be seen negative by someone only out for men




  1. In order to inspire a "well thought out answer" the question must be well thought out....

  2. Just check out a movie from the 1980s...look at how the women appear.  Now watch a movie from today...that will answer your question.  Women today are taught to be more like men...since women historically are more empathic, that means they have to be colder (to compete in the workforce.)

    As for slu*ty...that is a sign of the times.  Both sexes today have morally declined.  Social decay...however our fellow Utopists (feminists) should have a plan on how to correct this.

  3. "meaner or S****y" in the sense that they can speak their mind and freely chose their own sexual partners and pleasures, then yes it has but this not negative unless you don't like women with opinions and a s*x drive. I don't think that equality has had a negative effect at all it has brought new opportunities to all aspects of life from home care to relationships. Men can now choose to stay home and look after their children and build better relationships with them also. Women now have more options to live their actual life rather than conforming to "norms" such as being a stay at home mum for life. That option is still available, but its the fact that equality has brought more choices to both genders.

  4. I didn't even bother to read the whole question. I got the message. If women were to make themselves more attractive and amiable with men,men would treat them with the most respect and favor. Ya gotta get over this feminist thing .Men and women alike should treat each other fairly and responsibly. Each should observe the roles they were meant  to portray.

  5. I wrote a fairly lengthy response as you had asked, and I attempted to read this question from the perspective that you had an impartial view about the possible effects that feminism has had on contemporary women.

    The last line however to your added response "A million men would agree with me. whay don't you answer to there men" made the whole "meaner or more S****y" reference   crystal clear.

    I don't know why I waste my time.

  6. Not the equality, but I think that a lot of it has to do with the decrease in mothers at home. The children today are being raised by the school system, nannies and day care instead of the women who gave birth to them, their mothers.

  7. Yeah, thanks for your question.

    I think there have been some negative effects. Although I fully support the movement.

    And thank god we are now embarking on the MAle sexual revolution.  To even the ledger.  Its an opportunity for Men (heterosexual and otherwise) to come out of the closest.

    One effect perceived, in the movement away from the stay at home mum towards the common double income, is the vast rise in real estate prices. This market it is very competitive and naturally is awarded to the highest bidder. This has, when you think about it, had a very damaging effect on the single mum families, with only one income. Not to mention the young would be buyers how now flood the rental market or spend most of their forecast lives paying off their nest.

    Another is in  generation X - Y.  There are raised levels of youth suicide depression, isolation, dissolution, and a decline in religious faith(possibly healthy) and this is common across all western cultures - of course there are many other factors to consider - food preservatives and additives, fast food (though these both comeback to the altered family unit), the media and television desensitisation, and the fact that religion has many failures in both scripture and actions.

    As this movement has actually produced quite rapid change, Males have suffered in many ways.  The traditional role informed by father to son has had to adjust amid generations.  Which is probably a good thing, however difficult.  A wolf whistling fathers son probably doesn't know how to properly treat women.  And Sexual Disorders (of the mind) are kinda common.

    Women too have suffered.  Girls are going through puberty much earlier.  tweens dress provocatively, and with much more sexual identity (which has its ripple effects in abduction and paedophilia).   There of course is also hugely increased incidence of eating disorder, among younger demographics.

    All i got time for, but much to say.  Good for you for asking.

  8. Does having equal rights make men "meaner or more S****y?"

    What a preposterous question.

  9. "meaner or more S****y"

    Yes.  I just got back from a "mean and S****y" seminar.

    Now, back to the Dalai Llama.and Ethics.

    You are looking for an answer to a question that you have already made your decision about.

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