
Do you think that the world will end in 2050?

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Who's fault do you think it is and what have you done to prevent the global warming. At this rate Global warming will be irriversable by 2050 and todays genneration of children will suffer through our mistakes.




  1. I don't think that it will be end, bath it is a big possibility to be.

    Also we can destroy the world hundred times on hundred ways.

    I think nobody wish to do that, bat with mistake who know? I ask

    myself end you can we only one time inhibit consequence of ours flippancy? Probably your run for money don't give a time to you to sit back and sense depth.

  2. No, not really.  2050 isn't that far from today, and it is only getting polluted in the US. ;)

  3. I don't think the world will end in 2050.Yes there is alot of talk about Global warming, but there is always talk about something and diffrent years of when the world is gonna end . I personally think that we have many and many till God decided to end it.

  4. wow you are one ot the most optimistic people around

    most people are ready for 2012

    And the world is gonna be OK ,

    climate change(Global warming) is just going to affect all that lives on the surface

    but there are so many other possibilities

    here is my collection of ends of the humanity

    many predictions are for the years between 2012 and 2020

    Nostradamus,the mayas ,Egyptians Jesus ,

    and Terrance Mckennas time wave who put the magnetic output of the world into a computor projection that stopped at zero in 2012,this means the globe has stopped and it starts turning

    the other way ,the resulting change of currents will turn the planet into a giant washing machine cleaning the surface

    then there are the meteors storms (armageddon) ,the gulf of Mexico is the result of one that would have made life exstinct for a while ,this would result in an other ice age because globe gets covered in dust for a few years,blocking out the sun.

    then there are more posible natural disasters

    Volcanos are coming to life everywhere

    the weather has giant storms like hurricanes ,tornados ,tidal waves ,earth quackes

    a shift of the earth crust ,would change the position of the poles

    under Anrarctica were found fosilized tropical plants indication the pole must have been in a different place then (the mainland atlantis is thought to be under it )

    Apart from that , the biggest threat to any species of exstinction is ,when there are too little ,and when there are too many ,so overpopulation is also a threat

    and the USA appears to be gunning for a global nuclear conflict .it is most likely that this will get us first ,looking at present politics

    the planet will probably survive unless humanities bombs result it to be knocked out of its orbit

    so many ends to choose from

    if it wasnt so serious it would be rediculous

    meanwhile enjoy life .and make the most of it at least we are all in the same boat

  5. No.  Not end.  Maybe be very different.  Not because it's 2050, but because forty-three years into the future and you're bound to find some interesting changes.  As for irreversible climate change and everything else predicted to happen then -- who knows.  Well...WE'LL know in 43 years.  Hey!  I have an idea.  Let's just wait and find out.

  6. i doubt it

  7. Nope there's no reason to believe that. You are an alarmist. By 2050, we may be headed into an ice age like we were in the 1970's..

  8. The world won't end.  But a lot of people are going to be in trouble.

    "Global cooling" science in the 70s is a myth.

  9. No

  10. I don't think so. Plenty of people thought they'd die in 2000, and nothing happened! the Y2K Bug was such a joke!

  11. If your prediction is based on GLOBAL WARMING as a consensus of intelligentsia, NO,NO,NO!!!

    The earth  temperature has risen less than 2 degrees since the 1890,s. Do you remember the ICE AGE scare of 1974, and the dire predictions of us all shivering to death?

    There are too many weather patterns to predict.

    Know this that when people say" we think", therefore" we know", that this statement is not considered science , it is consensus The world's earlier consensus was that the world was flat

    Did Columbus fall off the edge?

    You have bought into Mr Gore's dire projections,. Do you think he is riding his bicycle to his jet airplane, or to one of his mansions. Would he sign a commitment on Capitol Hill to reduce his carbon footprint? No, you can bet your farm, he will not! His carbon footprint looks a family portrait of BIG-FOOT'S family and friends. ASK GORE WHO'S FAULT THIS IS for fine fiction and interesting reading.That's all it is.

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