Hi there, i guess its the question that all of us have asked our self s at one point or another, i for one believe that the world , , all the countries are full aware that the world will not be able to provide alternative fuel that will cover all of our needs, and the optimists of this world are just kidding them selfs , living in hope that we will be able to come up with some miracle fuel , how many of you have given it a good thought, how many of you are being influenced by the big shining Malls with all the glitter and air conditioning, by the cheap as chips Chinese made products? by the supermarkets being full of everything that you could wish, how many of you are being brain washed by all the TV advertising ? showing you what a beautiful world we all live in and how all the bad thing s can only happen to the third world countries, how many have learned a valuable lesson from what can happen when things go bad like New Orleans? i wonder