
Do you think that the world will still exist in the year 10,000?

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Do you ever wonder?

How would it be?

How many people would be on earth?

and so many other questions..............




  1. No.

    I learned about this in Astronomy.

    The sun is called a red giant.

    It is in it's last stage of life.

    When it dies, it will expand and engulf our solar system.

    This is to happen in about 1,000 years.

    So no, the world will not be around in 10,000.

  2. YES!  The world will be around for about 2 billion more years, untill the sun goes supernova, then expands in size and consums the earth.

    People SHOULD still be around, baring an ELE (look it up).  We are the first species in history to have the technology to prevent an asteroid or something like that.  Even all out nuclear war wouldn't eliminate the species (but I wouldn't want to be around)

  3. i reckon the world will exist but humans probably wont be around to witness it

  4. Who cares sweety.

  5. World, yes; people, maybe. I wonder about the next 100 years.

  6. Earth will certainly exist then, but I cannot say about any given life forms.

  7. For a planet 10 thousand years is the blink of an eye.  Utterly inconsequential.. Planets are very durable.  Earth will exist for about 5 billion more years.  Then the sun will enter its red giant stage and the current consensus is that earth will be consumed by the sun.  If it survives, 2 BY later the sun will end its red giant stage and there will be SERIOUS fireworks as the sun tosses off most of its mass before collapsing into a white dwarf.  Earth would not survive that event.  

       Life on earth will not see its end.  Surface life should be extinct within 1BY.  The oceans should have evaporated. and all life should be dead in 2BY.  This is caused by the steady brightening of the sun and a chemical process whose particulars I have forgotten.  Some researchers place the extinction considerably earlier at perhaps 500MY.  In any case, Earth will become like Venus unless it gets moved outwards.  This engineering feat really isn't all that difficult, although it sounds absurd.  Just the creative use of a large asteroid.  

       The sun will NOT supernova.  It is far too small for that sort of behavior.  But the end of the red giant stage is quite energetic and nothing in the solar system could survive that event, so perhaps the question is moot.

    I suggest a book "The Life and Death of Planet Earth: How the New Science of Astrobiology Charts the Ultimate Fate of Our World" (Hardcover)

    by Peter D. Ward (Author), Donald Brownlee (Author)

    Its a wonderful read.

  8. its upsetting for me to even think about it around that time in future.. who knows what would happen =(

    all life may even be gone then.. or may not. quite upsetting to think about =(

  9. nope i dont think the human race will be alive then but the world will be still spinning .maybe aliens will invade?

    E.T  =]

  10. Nope. No way.

    Other than that, human beings are to stupid to last that long.

  11. The way we're treating the Earth.. I doubt it.

  12. maybe if we dont kill eatch other by then

  13. The planet will most likely still exist; it's survived 4,560,000,000 years so far, and will likely continue to survive a further 5,000,000,000 until the sun enters its red giant stage and expands to consume Earth (we're about halfway through it's life as of right now). As far as humanity goes, it is impossible to say: personally, I think it likely that human technology would be advanced enough to permit travel throughout the galaxy, meaning that Earth as a planet may not be as important to humanity then. Of course, it is just as likely that Homo sapiens will be extinct by then, and the course of biological evolution will continue as it has for almost 3,900,000,000 years so far.

  14. People probably won't be around but the world will still exist.  8000 years is a just a speck on the timeline of the Earth's life.

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