
Do you think that there are creatures out tthere in the ocean that we dont know about?

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Do you think that there are creatures out tthere in the ocean that we dont know about?




  1. The ocean is a huge place. I'm sure there are creatures out there we haven't found yet, small ones as well as larger ones.

  2. Yes, but it doesn't hurt my feelings - they don't know about us either!

  3. oh yeah, out knowledge of our own planet is still to this day limited. there are still places on earth that are a mystery to us and will probably remain so (at least i hope so, the world would be so dull if there were no mystery to it). there are creatures all over still to be discovered but probably won't be! it keeps things interesting.

  4. No doubt about it.

  5. You bet.

  6. Of course

  7. Oh yes ! I like it when "I" see something like that, I saw a fish that you could "SEE THROUGH" once, everybody though it was a plastic bag, I said "OH YEA, Does a plastic bag chase a lure" ?, It turned out to be a fish called "Window Pain", that you could actually see through, I was at a beach in NYC, and saw snorkeler's catching "Tropical Fish" that got caught in a warm water "EDDIE", and were in the NY waters off the beach, they had some kind of gun, with a net that caught them, they were in a bucket on the beach, and a crowd around them, beautiful fish, with vibrant Hot pink, black, and orange colors, I can ALWAYS count on the ocean to surprise me with a little gift for me to see.

  8. absolutely.  our knowledge of the ocean is so much less complete  than our knowledge of the land.

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