
Do you think that there are illegal aliens on other planets?

by  |  earlier

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Since we have them on Earth, what are the chances that they are on other planets as well?




  1. it is not impossible...

    what we know so far there's a number creature exist:-

    1- human

    2- angel

    3- genie

    only God knows.

  2. As Carl Sagan once stated...."There is not only everything you CAN imagine in our universe but also everything you CANT imagine"

  3. Well, if you could find a planet that has developed life to the degree that we have, I'm sure there would be differences between individuals of the species, so it's possible that there may be countries and people who move illegally within them...

    What a strange question! ^_^  

  4.   No,I think outside of earth all aliens are legal

  5. Well, that depends of their culture and anatomy, maybe they could have a centralized government or alliance and do not need political divisions or even be like some sort of overmind or like insect colony, in which one individuality isn't exist and therefore divisions (of al levels, between beings, states, hierachies) neither.

  6. There will be if we don't get permission from the Martians before we go to Mars.  

  7. what ever is on earth has a good chance of existing on another planet in another galaxy...

  8. If they had a consciousness, legal code and country divisions like ours, sure, why not.

  9. Yes, and they live in the bushes.

  10. ..............

  11. Yeah there's some Norkon traveling over the boder to the country Ojfjfadskbjkj right now.........

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