
Do you think that there are people that believe there is only one side to a story?

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Joe D: That's not entirely true. Each person has his or her own truth, their perspective. It's not spin. O'Reilly is a bit of a pinhead because his show has spin. It absolutely does. Him saying it doesn't doesn't mean that it's true.




  1. Just ask the questions that everyone cares deeply about and you will see just how many people believe that there is only one side.

    1) Abortion

    2) Immigration

    etc etc

    this list could go on and on

  2. lol yeah the good old fox news channel.  they should call it the spin network they spin the news for the republicans!

  3. There is only one side to a story- it's called the truth

  4. People who always believe they are always right do think there is only one side to any story.

  5. I love when people make fun of Fox News, if you would actually watch it you would see not all of their contributors are Right-winged, just like all of CNN's are not all left-winged.  You should watch all the channels and take all sides in, that is how you become an effective debater and can actually have a decent conversation without saying "all fox news are far right nutjob bigot racist......"

  6. Yes. Watch fox news, they have those people on their shows on a daily basis.

  7. There is always only one truth.

    When you start making "sides" that is spin

  8. There are three sides to every story...

    Your story

    My story


    The truth.

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