
Do you think that there is a correlation between?

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the rise in paranormal activity and the tales of end of times, end of the earth, or decent and downfall of mankind?




  1. Paranormal activity is, thanks to some TV shows, going through a resurgence.  Tales of the end times have gone through similar cycles.  It's just a trend.

    Earth isn't going to "end" for a very long time.  Mankind may expire, but the Earth will continue to exist, barring truly catastrophic collision.

    Mankind's downfall?  This could mean any number of things.  My dad's generation shakes their heads when observing people in my age group.  His dad did the same to him.  And his dad to him, etc.

  2. No, there have always been people claiming to see ghosts / fairies / Bigfoot / whatever, and there have always been people predicting the end of the world.  The world is not ending, and there are no ghosts.

  3. No, I do not. There is no more paranormal experiences than any other time it is just people are more accepting of it now due to the Internet and television shows like Ghost Hunters.

  4. I don't think that there is a rise in paranormal activity so much. I think it is openly talked about, and televised more than it was in the past. I remember back in the 60's there was a book called FATE magazine. It didn't last but maybe 10 years. People were more closed minded back then.

    As far as the end of days, no one knows when it will come. But I do believe in God. The Jewish people denied that Jesus was the Messiah, they said He hasn't come yet. BUT,if He never existed, why do they hide the fact He was here?

    In the bible, God said He gives His children discerning of spirits. BUT, if spirits and/or ghosts don't exist, why then did He, the all knowing, give us such a gift. Sense 1940, scientists have proven the books of the bible not to be theory based but for the most part to be factual. But the theory of evolution is still a theory.

    People will believe or disbelieve as they will. The fact remains, that there are mysteries in this world, that we don't understand or can't explain. BUT, just because we can't logically explain them, doesn't mean they don't exist.

  5. No, i believe that there is a tremendous amount of pressure on society to explain away coincidence. I feel that the correlation is a minds way of explaining something that just doesn't have an explanation.

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