
Do you think that there will be ONE race in the future? a hybrid of all races?

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If u think about it, not everyone is going o mate with their own kind. So many many years from now, woodnt thre be ONE race...a mixture of everything?




  1. I had never thought about it but I guess I would agree with you.  No matter what though there will still be wars and people killing others and we will never get along.

  2. I hope not.  But the Libs hope it comes to pass.

  3. yes if the world last long enough. however would it make a difference in the world? i don't think so there would still be wars. people wanting power over others for money or just to have the power. you would be from the wrong continent or the rich against the poor.

  4. I think so, maybe, though interracial dating/marriage rates have stayed pretty steady for years. I'm afraid with there being so much racial tension in the air, and racial segregation, esp. among whites, blacks, and Latinos, it will be a long time. I would hope in one day, it would be a beautiful brown world like Brazil:

  5. A recent study suggested that the human race will form into one homogenous group comprising of brown skinned people who will all be 7 feet tall because of better nutrition.  The continuous intermingling of races means it is not that implausible an idea.

    All for the better. Racial hatred is so boring.

  6. There won't be as the majority of people have prejudicial vews/opinions against those who are too different to appeal to them physically, or culturally.  Even if every person, of the 1.3 bn. Chinese, married someone of a different race, their choices of a spouse wouldn't be the same. Of the 127 ml. Japanese, I would estimate 3%, or less, have married outside their race and estimate, also, this figure is unlikely to vary by 0.00001% within the next 100 years as the Japanese, in particular, aren't likely to marry people who don't share the same ethnicity.

    In the Biblical book of Genesis, Chapter 11, it tells how God intervened and divided the people into separate language groups so they were unable to understand each other as, previously, when they shared a common language  -  God then scattered the people all over the earth to teach them a Big Lesson about having pride in their own accomplishments by building the Tower of Babel as a monument to themselves rather than to Him - a lesson we can apply today!  The peoples' pride has continued to this day and this is a factor in their choice to live separately from one another.  Tower of Babel is where the word babbling originated.

  7. I am white british which, on the surface seem like a unique race of ethnicity. On the contrary Britain has been invaded and colonised by different tribes for thousands of years so there is no such thing as a true brit.

    We have been colonised by the celts, gauls, picts, the angles, the saxons, the normans, the romans, the romany gypsies, the jews, the greeks, the germans, the huns, the west indians (originally from africa) the indians, the bangladeshi, the pakistani, the chinese, the arabs, the south african, and lately the eastern europeans.

    My great, great, great, grandad was the son of a Louisiana slave owner who married a slave girl who was his mother.

    My grandmother is 1/4 scottish.

    What race am I?

  8. There is just one human race today.

    You are incorrect in saying  everything is going to mate with its own kind. That is precisely what does happen. Good word though. God created different kinds, and he created them to breed amongst themselves. They can't cross breed.

    We do get different varieties within the kinds though. For example lions and tigers are different species yet can interbreed. They have a common ancestor and are part of some big-cat kind. Sometimes descendent species cannot interbreed, and often they don't because they live in different environments.

    What is scary is the mixing of genes from different kinds - in the laboratory. This (may) result in 'frankenstein' dna which could not possibly occur through natural selection.

  9. There is already only one race " the human race " but I know what you mean and I agree to a certain extent.

  10. Fisherking, not all those people 'colonised' Britain! Most of them were only small groups of immigrants who have left only a tiny amount of evidence of their dna of the larger population.

    If your great grandmother was born in the UK and was white,there is every chance you had an ancestor who lived here just after the ice age,or who  came here in neolithic times. Dna fact. Even the so-called Anglo-saxon invasion was much smaller than thought with no mass 'wipe out' of natives.

    That said, I think as people travel there will be more mixing,that is obvious, but certain people such as Chinese &  Muslims do tend generally  not to marry beyond their own culture and unless their cultural taboos are breached (unlikely,for if anything certain segments are becoming MORE traditional & hardline) they are unlikely to  change in that respect.

    re:7 foot tall people. I have a hard time  swallowing that one. I believe our diet would have to change radically--we would have to consume huge amounts of protein,possibly eat very little but,to have such a massive increase in height (average male is approc 5ft 9 or 10 today). in hunter gatherer times people were quite tall because they ate mainly meat-but was this a balanced diet? In neolithic times they farmed and ate more wheat-based products but also meat from domesticated animals and the average height dropped considerably,although we would consider this a more balanced diet.

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