
Do you think that there will be a World War III? If so Who will be the major nations in it? How will it start?

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I'm kind of concerned about nuclear wars and stuff because warheads are so powerful and I just wanted to know.




  1. Iran and Israel....say good bye to Iran!

  2. Of course there will be a WW3. Or do you think men, of broken nature, will lay down their arms and abandon their thirst for power, in order to ascend to a higher plain of Peace and Harmony?

    Flawed nature isnt the only thing that will lead up to WW3. Add nukes, rogue nations, and radical dogma to the mix, and you got yourself a good ole' fashion Armagedon.

    My words may sound like Im joking, but sadly - I'm not kidding.

  3. yes, in the iraq area


    it already has

  4. Israel will be attacked with a nuke, nobody will know who did it because they have so many enemies in the world. All the world will be affected and Russia and China will be on the side of the Arabs against Israel.

    The US and UK will not be major players, we will have fallen from within, probably economically because of our socialist policies.  

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