
Do you think that *these* are the main reasons why people won't vote for either Obama or McCain (see details)?

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ideally national governments are created for positive results.

today, I wouldn't go as far as to say that we have the ideal government/laws... it's way off. but, I still think it's better than anarchy.

sure, I would want a new government all together with way better checks and balances and less corruption and all this other stuff but we are so far into the original charter that a huge fix-up is impossible without changing practically everything; so instead we work with what we got and hope for the best.

*The main complaint by McCain fans (imo) is the tax increase Obama proposes.*

If he thinks he can fix our government or at least just help a majoirty of americans - despite the tax increase - than I say go ahead. Spending more cash on tax isn't an issue to me if he can change things/problems with our government. If you don't believe he can make things better, than at lest he is trying for change as opposed to keeping the government how it is right now. You said it yourself, it's corrupt. I rather try and fail than not try at all. Paying extra on taxes is worth it because it's highly impossible that he will significantly f*ck up in a way that will hurt us all. The worst scenario is that we lose some money that we could be spending on lame materialistic sh*t.

*The main complaint by Obama fans (imo) is that McCain wont offer as much help for americans in need (especially the majority of people who really deserve help), and that he will abuse his powers as commander and cheif (war dictator).*




  1. These are sort of vague generalities of the main ECONOMIC complaints on either side, yes. However, these are the same talking points we see with any Republican vs. Democrat tete-a-tete. Republicans are anti-higher taxes, and Democrats accuse republicans of being out of touch with the lowest financial rungs of society. This has been the story for decades.

    That aside, there are many other issues in the areas of domestic, and foreign policy that are just as important to voters. People refuse to vote for either candidate because they don't feel they can identify with either of their options; they don't feel the candidates share their values. This can be for a variety of reasons; anything from free trade agreements to abortion, and back again.

  2. I will always vote left. Democrat, because over all i agree with them more about civil liberties and freedoms. i vote for the party not the peson because the media can make anyone look good or bad. it is sick.

    but i would vote for me over all of them, but my ideas are crazy and someone would shoot me.

    If i could change the world....

    in my world no child would be hungry.

    An american family could live on one average  income and be middle class not 2.

    everyone could see a real doctor.

    women would have the right to choose but have to watch videos of birth and real baby's and take a quiz before they terminated.  

    all girls and boys get free birth control condoms pills what ever and they are educated on where and how to get it.

    Guns would be outlawed.

    People would have to hunt with bows.

    Everyone would have a house to live in.

    Everyone would have work if they wanted and free education to get them the job they want.

    any human could marry the other human they love as long as they are adults.

    Child care for all working parents with realistic help with the cost based on what the actual take home is.

    Parents would be required to take parenting classes before there child is born or it costs extra at the hospital.

    every cat and dog would have a home and every one would get there pets fixed.

    i could go on but i think i have already pi$$ed off the rednecks


  3. oh not gunna read all that if thats what your thinking but anyways barrack is gunna win lol umm have you watched BET AWARDS 08 yeeeaaahhh all the celebs are voting for him and tellin every one else to lol...but yeah fck john mccain it doesnt matter who wins there is still gunna be a riot no matter who do

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