
Do you think that they should take out the 14th amendment.? The right to raise your child. If not then why is?

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it so hard for the natural father's to save their child from adoption and to raise their children.




  1. Sam,  I personally think if a father stands up to the plate and is a fit parent he should be able to stop the adoption.

    I'm all for paternal rights but look at the big picture.

    Too many boys are being raised to be irresponsible men.

    Parents need to step up to this to prevent another generation of dead beat dads.

    Too many Men are not paying child support and use every excuse they can to get out of it and that includes not being a part of their childs life.

    Too many men just write off their first children,  move on and marry and have more children.

    I think if you see a change in those three things, you will see natural fathers having more rights than adoptive parents and just as many as natural mothers.

  2. Because the court system has always been for the mothers rights over the fathers, historically.  Even though it has been ruled that the care of the child should go to whomever is better to care for the child, most judges give custody to the mothers without taking into account the benefits the father has to offer.  It is a stigma that hasn't and probably won't change.  When it comes to adoption, again the view falls to what the mother wants, and the father is left out.  It is an unfair and unequal system ruled by bias persons that enforce their view, instead of the law, and fail to recognize the benefits the children get from their father's.  It has even been shown that kids of divorce adjust better when the parents have equal amounts of time with then, as in joint custody, instead of the standard where the mother gets the most time, with little to no influence from the father, except for the monthly check he ordered to pay for child support.  The best child support comes from the father being in the child's life.

  3. Elodie: The Supreme Court has said again and again that parents have a constitutional right to the care, custody, and control of their children. BTW, it would fall under liberty, not property. The freedom to raise your own child is considered a liberty.

    States try to find ways around that right by placing bogus laws because the industry makes a lot of money and america is a capitalistic society. However, even state laws can be declared unconstituational if it takes away a person's constituational rights.

    I don't think we should take it away. I think we need to get rid of any and all states laws that have even a small chance of causing a conflict with it.

  4. Have you read the 14th amendment? No where in it does it state anything about "the right to raise your child."

    It does say that no state may deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due process of the law, so I guess if you are considering a child "property" you could interpret the amendment that way.

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