
Do you think that things happen for a reason?

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I do but I'm not sure why.




  1. I would hope so

  2. I absolutely believe that. And you don't have to understand why - I just know that if everything that has happened to me did not happen, I wouldn't be the person that I am today

  3. i do, but i dont think it comes from a 'god'

    I dont believe in god because there is no evidence

    and there isnt any evidence for 'fate' either, i just like the concept and think its nice to believe in something like that! Plus there are A LOT of crazy unexplainable coincidences, that are just to freaky to think it just happend by an accident.

    Its hard to explain, but i just like believing that stuff happens for a reason ya no!

  4. Sure, and the reason is that the conditions are met that allows/compels things to happen.

  5. Nah; good things happen to bad people just as often as bad things happen to good people.

    As they say in the classics: S**t happen ... often and for no apparent reason.


  6. h**l giving me best answers doesn't.

  7. Yes.  Always.  Things happen because of our actions and the actions of others.  

    If you trust God, things happen to you and around you that guide, transform and empower you.

  8. Cause / effect

    choice (decision) / consequence

  9. Things happen as


  10. No

    It's sometimes easy with hindsight to say "ah! now I see why that happened" but there really isn't a big, cosmic plan to life

  11. No, I do not.

    "Everything happens for a reason."

    What this idea is called is 'the principle of sufficient reason.'

    The principle goes back to at least the early 5th century BC - being used by Parmenides in his Fragment 8, lines 9-10 - but it is most famously associated with Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646-1716) who used it to exclude all arbitrariness, and to account for 'truths of fact' (while the law of contradiction accounted for 'truths of reason').

  12. Yep I strongly believe in fate and so things arn't really worth worrying about....whatever will be will be!! I think the reason why you believe this is because there have been too many coincidental things that have happened in your life........

  13. As in a greater hand guiding no? People do stuff that results in events happening even unforeseen stuff occurring. But a guiding path, or destiny, then no. The general path of life is a result of an individual trying to make sense of and adjust to random chance and the decisions of their fellow man. There is no goal or purpose other than we are and we do.

  14. Yes, because it is God's divine will.

  15. People usually do things for a reason.

  16. Yes of course!!  God controls everything and has planned everything for a specific reason and purpose

    "For we know that all things work together for good for them that love the Lord......."

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