
Do you think that this Greek Olympic athlete looks part black ?

by Guest33417  |  earlier

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Look at the picture of him in his profile. It looks like he has big lips, a flat nose and thick African hair. His first and last name looks Greek but could he still be a gypsy and not a real Greek or is this a common look in Greece?




  1. sorry, in your country which is the common look?

    ah i forgot you are all like the angels, blond hair blue eyes sitting on the clouds....

  2. The girl below is wright: he is Pontian,and many Pontians are settled in Macedonia and all of their descendants today claim to become Macedonians.....all that prosfigi-madziri !


    Partitions and Colonization

    After the Balkan Wars (1912-1913), the First World War (1914-1918) and especially after the Peace Treaties of Lausanne (1923), which gave the Macedonian issue a central place, there began a great ethnic cleansing of Macedonians, who in 1912 had numbered 374,000, from the Aegean part of Macedonia. Disregarding the principle of respect for minority rights within existing states, the negotiations in Lausanne accepted the principle of an obligatory resettlement of Christians from Turkey (Greeks, Turkophones, etc.) and of Moslems from Greece (Turks, Macedonian Moslems, etc.). Under the convention for obligatory emigration, 350,000 Moslems were expelled from the Aegean part of Macedonia. 40,000 of these were Macedonian Moslems. In place of the Macedonians expelled to Bulgaria and Turkey (a total of 126,000) the Greek state resettled 618,000 persons of Greek and non-Greek origin in the Aegean part of Macedonia. This heterogeneous population, colonized in the Aegean part of Macedonia in the period between the two world wars, came from other parts of Greece, as well as from Asia Minor, the Black Sea region, the Caucasus, western Thrace, Bulgaria and other places. The large majority of the refugee Christian population was settled in villages throughout the Aegean part of Macedonia, thus creating what has become known as the village, or agricultural, colonization; and a smaller number were colonized in towns, creating the so-called urban colonization. This large colonization effected by Greece resulted in a major change in the historical status of the Macedonian language. Once the language used by most, it was now afforded only the status of the language of a minority, or the status of a family language, which was spoken by 240,000 Macedonians. The large ethnic changes were the cause of changes in the status of the Greek language as well. From being the language of a minority, it now became the most used language, being imposed even on the Armenians, the "Turkophones", the in-comers from among the various Caucasian peoples, etc. With the imposition of the Greek language and with the help of mixed marriages, a new Greek nation was being created in the Aegean part of Macedonia. The colonization by this population, whom the Macedonians called madziri (in-comers, foreigners), resulted in the Aegean part of Macedonia losing its Macedonian ethnic character. The Macedonians (240,000) became a minority; they were present as a majority only in the western part of the Aegean part of Macedonia (Kostur, Lerin and Voden regions). The large colonization brought about by the Greeks was followed by a law passed by the Greek government in 1926 on the change of the toponymy of the Aegean part of Macedonia. All villages, towns, rivers and mountains were renamed and given Greek names. The Greek state achieved this through a policy of state terror. As early as the period of the Balkan War of 1913 Greece had begun the ethnic genocide of the Macedonian people. The cruelty displayed by the Greek soldiers in their dealings towards the Macedonian people was merciless. Following the political partition of Macedonia in 1913, Greece launched upon an active policy of the denial of the nationality and the assimilation of the Macedonians. The name Macedonian and the Macedonian language were prohibited and the Macedonians were referred to as Bulgarians, Slavophone Greeks or simply "endopes" (natives). At the same time, all the Macedonians were forced to change their names and surnames, the latter having to end in -is, -os or -poulos. With the denial of the Macedonian nation went the non-recognition of the Macedonian language. It was prohibited, its standing was minimized and it was considered a barbarian language, unworthy of a cultured and civilized citizen. Its use in personal communication, between parents and children, among villagers, at weddings and funerals, was strictly forbidden. Defiance of this ban produced Draconian measures, ranging from moral and mental maltreatment to a "language tax" on each Macedonian word that was uttered. The written use of Macedonian was also strictly prohibited, and Macedonian literacy was being eliminated from the churches, monuments and tombstones. All the churches were given Greek names. The attacks on the Macedonian language culminated at the time of Ioannis Metaxas (1936). General Metaxas banned the use of Macedonian not only in everyday life in the villages, in the market-place, in ordinary and natural human communications and at funerals, but also within the family circle. Adult Macedonians, regardless of their age, were forced to attend what were known as evening schools and to learn "the melodious Greek language". The violation of the ban on the u

  3. NO, he does not look part black, nor does he look like a gypsy.  

    Post your picture so we can see what YOU look like...... probably part troll and part idiot.

  4. Lol. Lazaros Papadopoulos? Here is another pic of him shaved.

    Yeah, he looks like a gypsy and black, lol . And btw he wasn't even in the Olympics this year you mor***.

    Another Fyromian that wants to pass us for Ethiopians. Go away you troll. And btw Ethiopians have some dignity, you have none (translation, i'd rather be an Ethiopian than have anything to do with your country).

  5. Not as much as Cortophagus does. He certainly is an Ethiopian Greek.  

  6. a little.

  7. No, he's Greek alright. This picture is not doing him much justice, but anyway he doesn't have African hair, his hair is brown, not black, and he is not gypsy. And anyway, why are you being racist? Would it be bad if he were gypsy or if he had an African parent? Sophocles Schortsianites is black but he is still Greek! His mother is from Africa, is that a problem? Only Hitler valued racial purity!!!

  8. If that's what you think African people look like then it's time to think about returning to school for a decent education - or aren't there such schools where you come from?

  9. Lazaros Papadopoulos BLACK looking?!?!?! LOL!! That picture does him injustice, he looks more neanderthal then black. LOL!! No he doesn't look black, part or otherwise, his lips aren't big, his hair is just curly and his pretty fair skin.


    Some clear pictures of Lazaros and his nose looks like its been broken. Notice the difference of his nose in the pictures below when he was younger vs. more recent ones.





    A side note: you know these Olympic 2008 profiles are bogus when they have Papadopoulos as part of the 2008 Greek National Olympic Team when HE WASN'T EVEN PART OF THE GREEK TEAM's  ROSTER!! lol!!!

    Edit: Laoplano doesn't know what his talking about, as usual. Greek Pontians are Greeks and Macedonias were and still are Greeks. Hate to break it to him but Greeks lived in the Macedonian region long before his Slavic ancestors arrived to the region. LOL!!

  10. He is Greek. I think his family comes from Pontus and we all know how much Greek Pontians are. They are very proud of their Greek history and origin.

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