
Do you think that this is child abuse for a teacher to do?

by  |  earlier

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The teacher a lot of times punishes my sone by doing this and other kids too. She brings the kid up in front of the class. She makes the boy get down in push up position and puts a wet sponge under his groin area. The kid has to hold the push up position for a long time. If the kid collapses he falls on the sponge and it makes him look like he wet his pants and the other kids laugh. Should I complain to the school?




  1. YES!  That behavior is outrageous from a teacher.  Complain to the principal, complain to the superintendant and file a complaint with your county's department of children welfare.  This person should NOT be teaching.  Demand that your child be removed from the classroom and placed with another teacher.

  2. What the h**l is wrong with teachers these days?!!

    I have read SO many questions here on the answer board about bad teachers!

  3. OMG THAT IS OUTRAGEOUS!!! you should DEFINITELY complain about this IMMEDIANTLEY! The teacher shouldn't be doing this, she should just send them to the principle or something.

  4. Oh my word!  If this is a serious, for real question, then YES, you definitely should tell the school.  That is child abuse and completely inapropriate for a teacher to be doing that. She needs to be fired and have her teacher credentials taken away. Definitely tell the school.  Protect your son.

  5. I would call child protective services on her.

  6. TROLL! You've got 1 POINT and you've lost 60 this week. TROLL!


  8. This would be bad, if you weren't a troll.

    It is however creative, so I'll let you keep your points.

  9. I hope this question isn't real... If it is then h*ll yeah you need to complain, woman! Humiliation is NOT discipline.

  10. Are you really serious!! If it is true it definitely is abuse. Besides what teacher would do that to a  innocent child! I am shocked... If that was my son I would tell the school immediately! Please complain and put your son and the other kids out of their humiliation! PROTECT THE KIDS!!!!!!!!!

  11. YES!!! i wouldn't even second guess it. Teachers these days are nuts! You need to go to the school and report this right away and also DEMAND that you child be removed from that classroom at one!

  12. Is is absolutely cruel not only for the students. But for a teacher to think she can do that. I dont think it is child abuse, but tell your son if the teacher makes him do it again he should refuse. Even if he is sent to the office you and the your child can express your feelings. I mean no teacher should be able to do that no matter what. Im sorry.

  13. yes!!!!!

    call the department of education that teacher will gte fired

    you must do it talk to the princable


  14. yep u should definately complain

  15. o my god yes now u herd me call NOW

  16. HOLY c**p!  YES- THIS IS WRONG!!!!  If I were you I would be FURIOUS at this "teacher"!   THIS PERSON NEEDS TO BE FIRED NOW!

  17. Definately!

  18. This is crazy! If my kid was embarrassed like this, I'd go NUTS! Yes you should report it to the school ASAP!

  19. this isn't child abuse, i just think this teacher is mentally ill!!!!  report it to the school and the district immediatly.

  20. I would go straight to the school board! ? superintendents office! That's BS!!!! If they don't do anything about it, which they may not because they want to cover their butts...go straight to your local children services department & they will be happy to help! If not, then contact an attorney...cuz then things will get done! OMG! I would so cause a comotion over that one!

  21. Yes, isn't that illegal, with how the laws are right now I don't know how she dared to do something like that. Report her immediately.

  22. OMG!!!!! This is abuse in it's worst and is unprofessional conduct from a teacher.

    Teachers are to refrain from disparaging acts of conduct (verbal and physical) when dealing with children. Where in the operational manuals or job description does it say to humiliate, embarrass, or ridicule a child in front of his peers. How is that effective classroom management? There is quite a difference between abuse and discipline! You need to tout this at the top of your lungs! This is abuse pure and simple and that teacher not only needs to be ousted but you should also consider suing the teacher, the principal, and the school district for allowing this to happen. Additionally, the teacher needs to lose his or her teaching license (certificate) and needs to be reported to the abuse registry of your state.

    Ridiculing children is wrong! Ridiculing and belittling children in front of others, allows the others to have an open invitation to berate your child, which makes for a very hostile learning environment, which has negative effects that will impact your child all of his or her academic career. This person does not belong around children and you need to meet with this teacher and principal ASAP. Explain that this is abuse and it will not be tolerated. (Tape record this meeting without their knowledge...hand recorders are great and sell in many stores!) Then visit the superintendents office and make your position known. Put this in writing....and contact your local paper and/or Television station. Complain at the top of your lungs!!!!!!

    Abuse in schools is wrong and not all teachers that are employed are altruistic ...some really do NOT have your child's best interest at heart.

    There are abuses that go on everyday in the school system and it is up to the parents to advocate for their children. A website has been established in this small eastern TN community to portray some of those abuses and the malaise in leadership that allows it to perpetuate and continue.

    Tout this at the top of your lungs! Abuse in schools is out! Do not leave this to someone else while innocent kids are being harmed in the wake! If this is happening to your child, God knows it is happening (and worse) to others! Do not be surprised if the school system denies the abuse, minimizes the abuse, or is resistant to do anything about the situation. Enlist the help of the school board members, but make major noise! No child deserves this type of disparaging treatment! Make these so called "educators and professionals" be accountable! It is only your tax dollars that pay this abusers salary!

    Good Luck to you! Your child needs your support!

  23. Absolutely! I would have my child put removed from that classroom immediatly.

  24. You're either joking or your son is lying.  One of you should get a life...

  25. It is hard to believe that this teacher is doing this to the children.  Talk to the teacher (of course with the principal there also) - Why haven't any parents complained about this behavior  -  why haven't you made a complaint?  Just make sure this is really happening - you know there are two sides of each story. If this is true - the teacher should be removed immediately!

  26. That is very creative!  Almost had me for a minute there!!

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