
Do you think that this is the right thing to have been done by the olympics?

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  1. Yes. He took the medal off and dropped it o the floor, if that doesn't send a message that he doesn't want the medal I don't know what does. It was bad sportsmanship in the extreme, and isn't sportsmanship one of the big aims of the Olympics?

  2. he is the sorest loset and doesn't deserve that medal, but, one thing I don't understand is, if he was so pissed off about losing, why didn't he just quit after semi final, instead he went on to the bout for bronze and won it, then he dropped it during ceremony, it almost like he did these intentionally so the world can know how angry he is, wtf, don't know whats going through his head.

  3. I'm with you on this one. Poor sportsmanship is a discredit to the Olympics. LOL

  4. Yes i believe they did the right thing. He sounds like a spoiled d**n kid to me.

  5. Yes! Because they didn't award his medal to someone else, they just penalized his bad behavior. It's not the first time he's had tantrums like that and had his medal stripped.

    If only the IOC would be as consistent about disqualifying underaged participants.

  6. Absolutely. Thinking about future Olympic hopefuls, our youth need good role models. This guy earned a medal at the Olympics, and trashed it in front of the entire world. One man has provided a good example of how, if you allow your anger to control you, there will be consequences.

  7. hmm ..He obviously wasn't one of the best in the world with that behavior

  8. It was inappropriate behavior on his part and this is the 2nd time in his career he has done something that dishonors himself and the whole Olympic concept.

    I didn't see what the alleged call was that he disliked, but the officials word was final, and all contenders have to accept it and move on.

    So, in answer to your query, Yes.  

  9. As the mother of a 14 year old Champion Wrestler, I found Mr.Abrahamians Antics to be distressing to say the Least and Downright Shameful for Wrestlers everywhere especially when we as Parents of Young Athletes are trying our BEST to teach Good Sportsmanship and Good Conduct even in the face of a trying, POSSIBLY even UNFAIR Decision...ALL Wrestlers have been there, I know my Boy has, he even Lost State Placement one year to a Bad Decision and Illegal Moves on the other Wrestlers Part...he was only 12 at the time and he did NOT Throw a Tantrum, he knew it is all part of the Sport of Wrestling...SOMEONE FAILED to Teach this Fundamental Rule to Abrahamian...I SAY GOOD RIDDANCE~


    Mother of 2x MVP and 5x Invitational Wrestling Champ

  10. i think what they did was completely right .

    he dropped his medal to the floor , which is is very very disrespectful .

    it also shows what bad sportsmanship he has ; the olympics is about every country coming together and cheering each other on .

  11. Difficult one.  I personally think medals should be stripped only after doping or cheating, not for having a temper tantrum, but this sort of infantile temper tantrum does go against the spirit of the olympics and the oath taken by one athlete on behalf of all the athletes at each Olympic opening ceremony.  

    So I don't think they should have stripped away his medal as it was won without dope or cheating, but nor do I think he should have had such a strop.

  12. Yes I do !!

  13. about spitting the dummy...take back the medal and whack a lifetime ban on the bum.....seamanab x

  14. I agree. If the judging was in error (and I didn't watch that one so I have no personal thoughts on the right or wrong of it) there are appeal procedures that can be taken. Not the smartest nor most diplomatic move he could have chosen.

    I am amazed that in 2008, with all the checks that have been implemented, anyone would even try to get away with doping. I find that strange.

  15. Absolutely...Love honey

  16. Dropping the medal is like.. forfeiting so yeah

  17. I think they did the right thing. He went against what the Olympics stand for, Fair Play and respect of others.

    He doesn't deserve a medal after that type of behaviour!

  18. I think the guy was lucky that he won any medal. Just because it wasn't gold doesn't mean to say that he did bad. Any medal in my opinion is an achievement at the Olympics, and for someone to throw a tantrum over something and throw the medal during the ceremony is very bad sportsmanship, and he obviously didn't appreciate it, so why should he deserve it?

    He ruined what should have been a happy occasion, for the other athletes and their families and to me that's not right. So yes, he deserved to be stripped of it. He didn't sound too bothered that he had won it anyway.

  19. Yep. Tantrums shouldn't be rewarded.

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