
Do you think that this is to much work for middle school students that are going into 7th grade?

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this is what we have to do for summer reading. we have to read 4 books.

1) absolutely normal chaos (around 215 pages)

2)gathering blue (around 230 pages)

3) the red pony (100 pages)

4) all creatures great and small (over 400 pages)

for each book we have to have a

1/2-1 page summary

10 vocabulary words with specific definition with article

and we have to make up 5 questions that cant be answered or are hard to answer from the story

i am in the advanced class but so is 140 other kids... and the kids that are going into 6th grade have to do the same thing but with different books

and the kids that are in the normal class only have to read 2 books with no work.

my sister is in the advanced class and she is going into 10 grade and all she has to do is read one book and answer 18 questions.

why do they even have summer reading lists??




  1. no you shouldnt worry about how much work you got

  2. The assignments are to help you increase your reading comprehension and vocabulary.  There are some major standardized tests coming up for you, and you also need to prepare for high school.  If you are in the advanced class, it means that your teachers and counselors believe you can handle the work based on your prior work.  I was in the same type of middle school, and I loved it.  You do need to check your grammar, by the way.

  3. Thats not hard compared to my reading list im going to 7th and we had to read 7 books and it was a sequel but luckly it was a awesome book. We have reading list to help maintain our reading skills during the summer. Oh Yeah I go to an IB school and u have to read 2 boks in ur language that u chose. Like I chose Portugues and I have to read 2 portugues books on my level.

  4. I think it is pretty unfair, but i have more than that! I have to write 4 pages (front and back of each piece pf parer as 1 page) for 2 books though... (The adventures of Huckleberry Finn and Oliver Twist) and make my own questions, find someone to answer them, then answer them myself, and vocab, but i still feel sorry for you. :'(

  5. that's not that bad, its only like two assignmets a month. I'm going into 11th and i wasn't given any thing to do  

  6. That's just over 900 pages.  Let's assume that you get two and a half months off - call it 75 days.  That works out to about 12 pages a day.  For most people at your level, that's less than half an hour a day.  Add in the work that you need to do in addition to that, and we're talking maybe 40 minutes per day.  If you're in the advanced class, that's really not all that much.  Read for half an hour before bed every night, and get the assignment out of the way the day after you finish the book, and you'll have it done in plenty of time.  (Unless, of course, you've not even started it, in which case you have some catching up to do.)

    And please don't assume that your teachers never had to do this kind of thing when they were in school.  I did, and I've been out of school for - oh, quite some time now.  The reason for summer assignments like this is partly to keep you from doing a brain dump over the summer, making it that much harder for you to get back into the swing of things when school starts again, and partly to get you out of the mindset that learning is something you only do nine months out of the year.  It's reasonably successful for the first goal.  It's somewhat less so for the second.

  7. Wow, that does seem like a lot for someone whose only in middle school. I don't remember doing that much for summer reading in middle school. I had to read four books for AP Language, and that was in 11th grade. We didn't have any questions to answer, but the course was really rigorous. Well, just think of it this way- you'll come out of middle school well prepared for high school. It's no fun to struggle in high school, trust me. One day, you'll look back and appreciate the hard work you've done.

  8. They do the same at the school that my child attends, but so far it seems that it is only with the Freshmen.  They do not have to read as many  books as you are required to read, but then again this is a year-round school and summer is only 5 weeks long.  I as a parent do feel that your Summer should be yours, and that the LA dept. or any dept. math or other wise should not interfere with your summer.  Maybe 1 book and a report due the first week of school, but that is it.

  9. no my assignment last summer made that look like cake work.  i had to read the grapes of wrath and write a 4 page essay about it (and my essays have to a lot more detailed than yours) where i explain the importance of the journey of the family in reinforcing the theme of the novel.

  10. I agree with you, it is too much work.  I have kids with summer assignments and I find it very annoying.  Summer should be time to relax, not stress about getting work done.  These teachers didn't work like this over their summer vacations when they were kids.  I just don't think it is necessary.  I read in the newspaper the other day that some educators are beginning to think summer assignments aren't a good idea after all.  Not that it does you much good!  Good luck w/your work and your school year!

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