
Do you think that this is worth the money?

by  |  earlier

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That is a link to a play-pen type thing for my very small 4 month old pomeranian. Just a few questions about it.

1) I already have a crate, should i stick with the crate, and not buy this?

2) If i do get this should i put the crate inside this for the puppy to have somewhere to sleep?

3)Does it look sturdy to you?

4) Have you ever bought something like this for your puppy, if so, did it work well?

5) Do you think my puppy will still be able to use it when grown?? (again, he is a pomeranian, and at 4 months he still weighs about 3 pounds.

Thanks in advance.

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  1. Personally it looks kind of small, if you have a crate for a big dog it would be the same.

    1. I would stick with crate

    2. it doens't look big enough

    3. not really

    4. no but we used baby gates to block off a room that had a tile floor incase the puppy made a mess, it was easy to clean the floor

    5. if he doesn't get much bigger then yes.

  2. Probably your dog will jump off it, if not now, in a couple of weeks time.

  3. Poms can be climbers

    I would stick with the crate

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