
Do you think that this was reasonable?

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I'm 15 and two weeks ago I got a job at a vet's office, well actually they just called me up and fired me because they didn't think my confidence level was high enough A.K.A they though I wasn't good enough, they just said the confidence part on the phone I guess to sound polite, well anyway I had to weeks to train for the job, BUT in the beginning they told me I had a month, so they said I should be ready by the time school starts, but I guess they messed up on telling me that and the job is a lot of work, in 6 days they expected me to be able to check customers in and out, know all of the codes for different medications and know how to put all of the codes and other confusing things into the computer, they never even showed me the codes but they think I should magically know them, they expect me to be able to

know all of the vaccines and know which ones to mix and stay with the doctor and be able to understand all of the things he is talking about and fill out papers and understand his chicken scratch handwriting, even they told me a million times his handwriting is non readable but you have to get used to it and they only showed me how to use the phones for 1 day and the first 2 days I was there they did not show me how to do anything, all I did was sit in a chair and watch but no one explained anything and there was another day where they actually showed me stuff but it was not everything, all they showed me was how to pull a vaccine out of its bottle using a siringe and the last two days, there were these two girls that I had never met before and they were supposed to show me around and show me all of the stuff that the manager had said but, they didn't, all I did was sit behind the desk AGAIN, sorry that this is really long but please tell me your opinions




  1. Welcome to Life, it really sucks sometimes. Gather what is important from your experience and learn from it. If you really like vet work then keep trying. Maybe you need to brush up on some skills or try other jobs. Dont give up and dont worry about it, most hard working people have gone what you are going through!

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