
Do you think that uneducated answers should violate the community guidelines?

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Due to the amount of horrifying, uneducated answers posted by people, should we work to make such answers a violation of the community guidelines?

For example, people who post answers without having a clue of what they're talking about:

" Microevolution is the Variation WITHIN genetic boundaries; even our own children have different variations in eye, hair and skin color - a better name for microevolution would be micro variation!

However, it is NOT evolution at all because the genetic material and variations already exist.

A worm cannot turn into an eagle! That would be true evolution or what is more commonly known as macroevolution.

When we hear about a frog turning into a prince we KNOW that’s a fairytale – yet when scientists seeking only to be right, not absolute truth, tell us that a salamander turned into a human millions or billions of years ago – we call that Macro evolutionary science instead of Science fiction, which is the more accurate term!

Evolution is the greatest engine of atheism invented by the mind of man! "

" keep in mind that it is called "the big bang THEORY." its a theory not a fact. "

" If evolution were true, how come none of the apes today are evolving into humans?? "

" My biggest question is how did the galaxy create itself. Before the galaxy existed there had to be something that existed to create that and so on and so on. They have no answer for any questions but every reason to say God doesn't exist. I find that interesting. "

Even uneducated questions?

" What in the process of evolution caused every creature (including humans) to have two genders; one male and one female? How did it exactly happen (automatically) for all creatures to have male and females in order to procreate? If your answer is "it was a need for procreation, so it happened during evolving", don't bother to type anything. If you can develop wings in your constant efforts to fly in the sky, I can agree to such foolish answers. Come up with exact and wise answers only. "

" Evolutionists: I want wings, so why aren't they forming? "

Yea, you get my point, if you know what I'm talking about. Seriously, doesn't this annoy you to a great extent that you just want to report each uneducated answer/question? If even people are look like they're asking a "true" quesiton, it doesn't look like they want any real answers at all, don't you think?




  1. " If evolution were true, how come none of the apes today are evolving into humans?? "- greatest post ever  

  2. Then who would we make fun of ? I Love FUN-DUHs bless their silly hate-filled hearts if not for them I would be seriously depressed and they always make me feel wonderful with their silly half @ssed questions and thoughtless answers . I try hard to encourage them to think so I can save them from the grips of unscrupulous con-men like Kent Hovind { now in Federal Prison until 2012 } .

  3. i agree with you fully. i have spent several fruitless questions on here trying to point out to evolutionists thier logical fallacies to no avail. any betting on the number of answers you get involving the phrase "you're stupid" or any of it's variations?

  4. Time to get educated.

  5. This would make the R&S section impossible dear.

    It's one of the places where uneducated fundies can discover reality thanks to comments and answers made by people that had the chance to study science and that do not show symptoms of schizoid delusional mental disorders.

    When the education level goes up, religious delusions and superstitions quietly fade away. This is observed in every modern civilized countries with an efficient public school system allowing education for all.

  6. You must be trying to shut all the answer boards down...

  7. Do you want a real answer, or should I just report you for idiocy?

  8. I'm afraid if yahoo does that, this place will fold.

  9. I think it's worse when somebody has a serious problem, and people answer with "It's part of god's plan" or "pray and jesus will help you."  Those are absolutely worthless suggestions.

  10. You should take the lead and report yourself.

  11. My favorite was the evolution of dogs question posted by the minister.

    Another favorite is the young creationist that posts repeatedly challenging scientific theories with pseudo- science statements.


    Your question has merit, but I don't think anyone has the fortitude to enforce  an "uneducated answer/question" rule for community guidelines. Another problem I see is if someone overly enforces present guidelines for the R&S forum, most of the atheist statements could be removed for offending the religious people posting. A big problem is a majority of people posting are teenagers,  do we place an age limit on posters even when some of these young adults answer science questions very well with adult thinking?

  12. Regrettably, it is not a crime to be stupid.  And, since half of the entire population is below average in intelligence, this is a situation we need to live with.

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