
Do you think that waiters & servers at Resturaunts should be tested for Diseases and such?

by  |  earlier

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A lot of people are getting sick now and days from dine-out and dine-in and carry-outs. The foods that are being served are everyday eaten foods from home to home. And all of sudden when you go pick something to eat from your favorite places its always an air borne contagious stomache illness you catch. And then you have to think back on everything you ate for the whole week. But my question to readers what if you fasted for a week then ate out and became sick?




  1. Servers ARE tested. They get tested for hepatitis yearly, sometimes more. That's pretty much the only "disease" you can contract from someone infected touching your food.  Colds do not count.

  2. sometimes its the food, not the waitress, but yes, waitresses should be tested for all communicable diseases related to serving food.

    its not enough to just wash your hands after using the restroom, its not enough to wash your hands when you get to work...

    if you have a disease that is permanent (ie there is no cure) and can be given to someone whom you are serving, you should not be a waitress. period. no one wants to get herpes because you touched your coldsore, and then put your fingers on a plate. its gross, and it happens a lot more than you think.

  3. if u want ur food to cost a lot more than sure.

  4. If you fasted for a week and ate out, your stomach is not ready, you will get sick.  Good restaurants have guidelines and also that is what managers are for. They make sure that things are sanitary. What most people perhaps do not know is that all employees also eat at the restaurant and they themselves cannot eat there if the place is not clean. We are talking quality restaurant here not some hole in the wall.

    They are taught to constantly wash their hands. If you are still leary about eating out because you get sick, then maybe you should prepare your meals ,that way you know what is going into it .

  5. as long as the servers are washing their hands constantly and the people cooking your food are washing their hands, washing the kitchen tools they cook with and food is kept at the correct temperature before cooking and food is cooked to the correct temperature no one should get sick.

    but of course no one follows those rules and thats why people far too often get food poisoning. i think testing servers does not serve a purpose. they could pick something up in the bathroom on their hands and then come out and serve your food and you could get sick. its all about how your food is handled and unfortunately those people are just there to make money, they don't care how or what they touch that goes on your plate and into your mouth. gross!

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